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Arrow/Wither's POV~


Zombie screamed, and Marrow and I exchange glances. We dart downstairs, and turns out, a few players broke inside. Marrow grabs his sword (?) and charges at them.

The players quickly overpower him as he screams. "Arrow," he shouts, "Run!"

I couldn't just leave him there! I have to do something, but, what?

The players notice my presence and lunge at me. I scream and bolt out the door, and I don't stop running until I can't anymore.

The sun had started to rise, so I took shelter under a nearby oak tree. My whole body was sore, but I couldn't stop worrying about Marrow and his friends. Are they okay? Where am I?

Too tired to continue the thought, I close my eyes and doze off...



Opening my eye sockets slowly, I take a quick look at my surroundings. The sun was just starting to set.

Standing up, I stretch my arms and walk around. Realizing I was near my home, I was ecstatic.

The Skeleton's territory stood before me, and I gasp in awe. It looked so different then it did a few days ago. Gulping, I step inside.

It seemed pretty abandoned. There were cobwebs haphazardly scattered, and bats were chirping. The aura was pretty ominous, and my small body shook in anticipation. The rattle of my bones echoed, sending an eerie chill down my spine.

The sound of footsteps approaching made me walk a bit faster. The footsteps got closer and closer, until-

"Who are you...?" I heard a voice ask. Gulping I turn around. Did skeletons not live here anymore? Was this territory taken over by another mob? What if-


"U-uhm, I'm a skeleton."

"No shit. What's your name?"

"A-arrow," I reply, my voice trembling. The voice remained silent for a moment before saying, "The one that went missing years ago...?"

"N-no, I've only been gone for a few days. I'm looking for my brother, B-bone."

"Huh? Wait, you're that Arrow?" The voice says, stepping into my view. A tall male skeleton stood before me, his eyes roaming around. "Y-yeah."

"I'm Edge, come with me," he says, extending his boney hand. Cautiously grabbing it, I follow him. "Yo, Bone! I gotta surprise for you!"

"Give me a second, Edge. Geez," I heard someone with a gruff voice shout. Edge shrugs and says, "I'm Marrow's brother, Edge. You probably don't know me."

"O-oh, I remember, you just look a lot older."

"You look as small as I remember," he says with a chuckle. I pout and say, "I'm average height!"

"Nope, you're short."

"Hhhh- maybe a bit-"

"A bit?"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," a gruff voice says, his boney steps echoing. "What the fuck is so important that you had to interrupt me?"

Edge shoves me behind him and says, "I brought you a special gift."

"Oh, really. Is that another one of your pranks? Like the time you hit on my girlfriend?"

He has a girlfriend?! My head started spinning from all the information I was taking in. My brother always said 'girls are gross' and that sort of thing. Now he's dating one?

Wither x Skeleton~ A Monster School AuWhere stories live. Discover now