I Guess You're Stuck With Me*

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Well, that definitely wasn't good. I hoped Hades would do something about it. But it wasn't my problem now.

- Wow that's some cool powers you have.

Coming from the forest, I saw a blonde girl in a wheelchair. Her eyes were a beautiful turquoise blue, and if it wasn't for her very pale skin and, of course, the wheelchair, she would have been the walking definition of beautiful girl in Earth.

- Who are you? - I grunted. The empathy ring was still affecting me, though less.

- Woah, calm down! My name's Lux.

- Sorry, it's my brother's fault. My name is Bianca.

As I said that, I realised that she looked human. Like very, very human. Not a single feather or wisker or sharp teeth.

- Hey Lux, - I said, as she turned to leave, - I... Please don't feel offended but... Are you a human? - her eyes widened in response.

- How... How do you know that word? And how do you know I'm one? - she looked scared.

- Hey. Don't worry. I'm human too - I replied, and watched as her scared face turned into one of shock.

- I thought no one knew about this part of the world...

- No one knows, only me. And I made sure no one would follow me.

- Oh - was her only response.

- So... Why are you here?

- Uh... Someone stole my drachmas and left so I'm stuck here... - she said, and I could tell she was telling the truth.

- But... How long have you been here?

- I don't know. - she answered simply. I noticed that she didn't want to talk about it, for some reason.

- Well, I guess you're stuck with me if you want to leave - I said, trying to lighten the mood.

Suddenly I realised that she hadn't questioned my powers, not even after telling her I was human. Did she know about the gods? Or was she part of some other secret society that had magic? Or did she just not put the two strings together?

- Well, since we're probably going to be together for quite a long time, I believe full introductions would be appropriate, - she said, mocking formality and cutting my train of thought, - my name is Lux. Just Lux. Daughter of Apollo. Born 1930 (Earth time) in Earth. Partially immortal.

- Woah, did you say you're from 1930? - I asked, surprised.

- Yeah, I already said I'm partially immortal, didn't I?

- Yes, yes, just wait for my introduction - I said, smirking inside - My name is Bianca DiAngelo, daughter of Hades, - her eyes widened, - born the... - I stopped a moment for dramatic effect, - 1930, - her eyes widened more, if possible, - recently a Huntress of Artemis, so partially immortal too.

- Didn't Zeus kill all the children of Poseidon and Hades?

- He tried to, but father protected me and my brother and put us in some weird casino where time doesn't pass and then last year he got us out and I joined the Hunters of Artemis and went on a quest. From which I will never return.

- Why? - she asked surprised.

- Maybe I'll tell you some other time.

Suddenly, her face turned more serious.

- Does that mean your brother is the hero of the prophecy?

- Nah, both Zeus and Poseidon broke their oaths not to have any more children, and they are both older than me and my brother. So, unless they both die, my brother is free from the prophecy.

- Well, you couldn't expect them to keep their promise forever - Lux said.

- Yeah.

- Well, let's leave this hellhole for once - she said, eager to go.

I threw two drachmas to the portal and we travelled to the portal room.

--- 603 words ---

Hey! Woah ik i should be working on nanowrimo but i just have 0 time sorryyy (btw i decided i would put the * on all the chapters including the new ones bc im the most unorganised person in the world)

[DISCONTINUED] Lost || A Bianca Di Angelo and Chaos fanfic || Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now