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To those brave enough to keep reading,

Congratulations, you've made it this far so from here on out I’ll be telling the story of me becoming who I am, with some little journal entries mixed in here and there. Well, onto the day after I went to Drew’s,

I sink into my bed wishing my life could go back to normal. Wake up, run, hangout with Drew, repeat. But, nooo! I just have to become some living dead thing. I sigh and run my hand through my dark hair. I get up and go to my bathroom. I look into the mirror and try to gasp but since I can’t it sounds like a dying cat. I touch my face, and the girl staring back at me touches her face.

I shake my head in disbelief.

What I see is one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. She’s somewhat pale, but it suits the dark brown almost black hair and her big dark green eyes that have flecks of gold in them. Her lips are full and red, and I can’t help but think how incredible it is that she is me. I’m the beautiful girl in the mirror. I walk out and look around my room. I see my phone and run to pick it up. I call the only person I trust, Drew.

“Hello?” his familiar voice says over the phone.

I smile immediately, “Hey! It’s Alex.”

“Hey, what’s up? How’s my Jevle?” he asks with a hint of laughter to his voice.

I roll my eyes forgetting he can’t see me, “You’re Jevle is aliv-“

I stop myself and we both laugh. I ignore the weird feeling I get from laughing and just laugh with him.

“Anyway, why’d you call?”

I wipe my eyes and compose myself, “Just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out later.”

I can almost hear him smiling over the phone, “I’d love to.

Where, when?” he asks.

I laugh rolling my eyes, “Our place, you should know that by.” I say.

“Right. When?”

“30 minutes?”


“See you then, Ben.” I say joking around.

“Yep.” And I hang up. I run to my closet. I pull out my skating clothes; baggy black naturally ripped jeans, black half arm shirt, and leather jacket. I stuff my feet into my black cargo boots and grin at my reflection. I’ve been wearing this almost exact outfit for the past 3 years of my life. I pull my dark hair up in and high pony-tail and then go to my vanity.

I take out my makeup, and put on black eyeliner, faint eye shadow, mascara, and then lip gloss. I laugh at my reflection amazed at how beautiful I’ve become. I shake my head fiddling with my bracelets on wrist. I smile at myself and touch the necklace that Drew and I have that match. We haven’t taken them off in years.

I turn away and grab my essentials, wallet, phone, and house keys; I grab my skate board then scramble down the stairs. I yell a bye to my mom and then set my board down and skate down my driveway and onto the sidewalk. The day’s nice, birds in the sky, not super-hot yet not really cold, flowers beginning to bloom, kids playing the street; overall a good day.

I pump my foot on the ground pushing myself to go faster, then pull my leg in and glide down the small hill and to the skating park. I ride in then pop my board up and pick it up. I look around for Drew. I don’t see him anywhere so I go down to the bowl. I start riding around, goofing off with some of the guys there – since I’ve came here I’ve only seen one other girl – and each of us daring each other to do crazy tricks. I’m about to do a back flip into the bowl – which I’ve done before and have mastered – when Drew rolls in.

I tell the guys I’ll see them later and pick my board; I start walking over to Drew my face sporting a big grin, “Drew!” I yell.

His head swivels in my direction, he literally does a double take, then stares, riding up to me, and “Alex?” he asks looking me up and down.

I smirk, “Yes?”

“Wow, umm…” he says and rubs the back of his neck, “You look great. Well, not that you didn’t look great before just that now…wow.” He says shaking his head in disbelief.

I chuckle ignoring the pain, “Well, thanks. I woke up to see this.” I say pointing to my face.

He laughs, “Well, you haven’t changed completely,” he pats my head, “You’re still short.”

I playfully glare, “Whatever.” I say and set my board down,

“Let’s ride.” I say rolling over to the edge of the bowl. I wait for Drew and when he’s next to me we give each other the smallest of nods. I start riding along one side getting all the guys attention then Drew rides down behind them scaring them. I laugh like crazy, my lungs burning, but I don’t care.

Ello peopello,

Well, I’m impressed. I can’t believe you’ve read it this far. I do hope you’re enjoying my story. A few things, when I said I woke up to see a beautiful face, it is true. But to clear things up, I still looked like me, I just was prettier. Well, I must apologize. It’s time for me to go, I will be writing again soon. Again, thank you for reading.

@ L 3 ><

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