Prologue| Sokka

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15 years ago, Prince Sokka was born into the Southern WaterTribe's Royal family. He was the first born and son of King Hakoda and Queen Kya. And the first grandchild to former Queen Kanna. A year later, his sister princess Katara was born. She was born a waterbender unlike Sokka who was a non-bender.

Sokka grew up training to be a warrior of his kingdom. He was trained by master Piando - in the summer - to be a  swordsman. And even made his own sword at age 11 out of a meteorite his friend Zuko gave him as a gift. Aside from that, he was also learning how to rule a nation along side Katara. Since he is the next heir to the throne, and Katara was a "just in case" situation.

When he was 9, his mother, Queen Kya, passed away in labor. Giving birth to her 3rd child. A girl. Unfortunately, she didn't survive either.

It was a great loss, especially for his sister. Who didn't take it lightly and often blamed her unborn sister or the healers who were in the delivery room for the cause of the queens death.

Hakoda, Sokka and the former queen, Kanna, all tried to assure her that the death was no ones fault. But, the older she got, the more she understood about her mothers. 

And the more time passed after the queens death. The more time Hakoda had to move on and begin dating again. 

A year and a half later, Hakoda met a Malina, who he would soon wed months later.  And like with any other royal wedding, comes the long guest lists. And in those guest lists, are the other royal families. He'd met the Air, Northern WaterTribe & Fire kingdom royal families before, and the Earth kingdoms. But he never met the Earth kings extended family. 

He'd heard the rumors of the kings first grandchild. But they were just rumors so he didn't put much thought into it. And all he knew about the existing grandchild, was that it was a year younger than him. 

But at the wedding, when the secret unraveled, things got complicated. But little did he know. That was just the start of what was to come in the future. 

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