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They were all in Deimos' car as he was driving them all towards the airport where their online lovers were supposed to meet. Billie was twitching almost as she was bouncing her knee as she looked out the window in anticipation. The woman was extremely nervous since she was finally going to be able to meet the love of her life, Sonya, in real life. Up to now they had all been texting for about a year so everyone was nervous and excited to see how they react to seeing them in real life.

Aphrodite was so excited she had prayed multiple times the night before to see her online girlfriend that everything would go well for everyone. Ares, the catfish, was the most nervous. Not because he was an actual catfish, which he wasn't, he was extremely self conscious about himself, mostly because his attitude had made many people hate him and want to get rid of him but Rhysan had been with him this long so why would he leave now? Amaius was sitting in the front seat with Deimos who was just silent and listening to the GPS, Amaius had been trying to keep himself sane as he was just thinking about Steph and how he'd react to seeing how tall he actually was since he lied and said he was a bit shorter because he hated how tall he had gotten over the years. Seungmin was looking at his phone as he was letting Lenoria know they were on their way there and that there was some traffic. His hand went through his dark hair as he laid his head back when he turned to look at Jamie who was sitting on the floor, her head was pounding as all her insecurites seemed to want to come out today.

Deimos had been quiet but he was literally terrified of what his online lover would think of him. He had a deep raspy voice that the other had never gotten to hear, the fact they had never gotten to call or facetime made them feel like this would be an episode of catfish but they were wrong. Very wrong. They made sure they made their pictures realistic for the others to believe it was them. Athena had pulled her cap down over her head as she clouched in her seat and licked her lips gently while looking out at the sky when she holding Persephone's hand who was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown since she was going to finally meet the love of her life.

Finally, Deimos parked the car as they all got out and went towards the entrance of the airport that were told to meet at. Mariah was on her phone as she was checking the message that Nikolai had sent her, "Nik said they were at Gate 6." She said as they all noticed that was on the other side of the airport as they stayed in a crowd and rushed to get to area. Kronos and Hades were looking for the same girl since they were dating the same girl, Ramona. Most people would think the couple was weird but they didn't think so since it wasn't like cheating because they both knew about it and agreed to it even though the guys would have petty arguments.

Making it to Gate 6, they were all standing there and looking around for their lovers, Yoongi who wasn't paying much attention had crashed into somebody as he went to apologize before he saw it was Jayke, the male he was speaking to for the last year as he felt his throat seize up before he just scoffed and pulled the male into a tight embrace. "Please tell me this isn't a cruel joke". He said softly as he didn't know what else to do but to hold him close.


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