To See The Other Side

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A/N: its been a few days so sorry for the wait. I love this story and I've had it perfectly acted out in my head. Bad news is putting into the right words to make you guys imagine what I see. Oh well.


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Kevin felt groggy as he finished the remaining part of his assignment with Amy Anderson. She was a sweet girl and Tyler's girlfriend after she got tired of trying to be noticed by the blue Super Dude and decided to try it out with Tyler. The poor boy had nearly fallen into cardiac arrest because of the shock he experienced when she asked him. From then on the two were like Romeo and Juliet but alive with no rivaling families holding them back

Of course, her arrival had been around the time Shope had left them all without warning. They had went for a straight week hanging out before realizing something wasn't quite right. They called her and texted her, asking if she was okay or if something happened.. They all learnt the truth when they marched over to Shope's house for some answers, seeing the 'For Sale' sign and empty house before them.

The emotions that hit them were rough. Tyler was hurt but got over it within an hour or two, Roach was denying she was gone by telling everyone that she was probably on vacation, and Kevin...Kevin was enraged and heartbroken and he didn't know why. He had fought tears when he saw the sign but ultimately broke when he got to his house. It hit him like a brick that Shope was gone and finally came out of his room a few days when Zen teleported into his room to speak with him.

"Okay, Shope left, big deal. We can locate her with her battle ball if you want so we can see where she is and go over to chat with her. But you can't beat yourself up over something you or her didn't have any control over. In the end, it's not her fault her parents decided to move away from Cornbury. Once you talk to her, you'll see that this is likely what happened." But once they got to the Galacticus X4Ti informed them that Shope was off range from the ship, the Noobs, and from her trainers to which they couldn't find her.

"What do you mean you can't communicate with her?!" He cried to the tablet. "Shope's battle ball does not have a proper locating chip. We were planning on putting one once school finished as it takes approximately 3 days for it to fully be installed as it's a deeper and inner working. The chip is essentially fixed back into the very core of the battle ball and the time taken is to slowly and surely take apart the battle ball without hurting Shope ore destroying the battle ball."

After the words X4Ti gave them and the many words of advice from Memnock and Zenblock, the trio came to accept that she was gone. Around the time they accepted that fact Amy Anderson came into their lives and into their friend group, alongside a boy named Marcus and another girl named Naomi.

Marcus was a former friend of Jock Jockerson after being made fun of for being biracial while Naomi was a girl with curly hair from Amy's old friend group. The other girl, Anya, had moved back to her home city of Busan by the end of 8th grade.

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