An old game starts again

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???'s POV

I was getting bored of just sitting here and doing nothing but then a strange group of skeletons came to explore my prison now playtime is about to start.

Killer's POV

After everyone had split up I went up the stairs I found a pitch black room it looked like there was a faint red glow to it and I felt someone's eyes staring daggers at me and the room sent shivers down my spine so I decided to leave the room and find something less unsettling to explore,

after a while the feeling of someone staring at me didn't disappear I tried to ignore it and kept walking i found a room that looked like the galaxy i went into the room and looked around it was as if the stars on the walls were moving kinda creepy but cool at the same time.

After a while I took out the ouija bored and the planchette so I could talk to the ghost if there even was a ghost here I placed my hands on the planchette and asked if I was alone the planchette moved to no for some obvious reasons I wasn't surprised I presided to ask are you good the planchette moved to yes after that I asked what is your name the planchette moved from letter to letter spelling o-u-t-e-r so the name of the ghost is Outer I thought to my self, after a while I asked is there a way I could see and hear you the planchette moved to yes and my wrist started glowing when it stopped there was a galaxy themed bracelet with a silver star on it and a sad looking skeleton in front of me he was wearing a fluffy dark blue jacket with yellow sleeves,

We didn't say anything at all so there was just an awkward silence between us until he broke the "so why'd you come here?" He sounded kinda worried "me and my friends came here because of rumors" I said "you should know this place is cursed Ink the ghost that haunts the room below us had forgotten how and why we all died I'm pretty sure some of the others also forgot" he said sounding like he wanted vengeance, it got kinda uncomfortable so I decided to change the subject "so why does your room look like a galaxy?" I asked curiously "Ink painted it so I'd feel more at home here since I couldn't leave but now since you have that I can follow you around"

Nightmare's POV

"So how did you end up dyeing here?" I asked "oh well I don't remember it's all a big blur almost as if it has been wiped from my memory" Dream exclaimed
Well isn't that suspicious I think to my self "so what have you been up to these past year-" Dream was cut off by the voice of someone screaming "that sounded like Cross!" I said Dream knew that I was panicking allot so he said "why don't we go look and see what scared Cross so bad?" letting his positive aurora effect me I agreed to walk over to were we heard the scream come from. when we got close I could feel a lot of terror coming from the room in-front of us the room would've looked normal if there wasn't a pentagram in the middle of the room Cross's hart looked was on the ground in front of the entrance I saw Error walking over to us "what happened?" he asked curiously "we don't know" Dream answered before I could utter a word "don't know what?"Killer said as he walked past another room "did you not hear Cross scream from the top of his nonexistent lungs?" Error asked sassily "oh well I did hear Cross we should go look for him anyway did ya find a ghost Error?" Killer questioned "yeah Ink's a very weird one" Error said as all our wrists started glowing when it stopped thy all had another bracelet "so how about you did you find another ghost?" Error asked "yeah his names Outer" Killer responded looking at the wall next our wrists started to glow again when it stopped there was a bracelet "how nice" I said sarcastically "we should look for he others and then we can find Cross"

So I wanted to apologize for the little mistake I made by publishing this chapter before it was done, I also wanted to let you know that I'm making another book soon cus I got some ideas for a decent book!

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