chapter 31

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I stumbled but Jake caught me before I fell into the seat. I was visibly shaking as I didn't want to guess who the kidnapper was. Jake held me tight making soothing circles with his hands as he thought I was about to have a heart attack.

''How did this happen? Who did this and why?''

''I wish I had the answer to those question but I'm sorry I don't. Trisa calm down we'll find him I promise'' he said, I looked into his eyes and saw pain, I guess he was also trying to assure himself the same thing, so I nodded still unconvinced.

We called the cops on our way to the hospital.

On getting to the hospital I rushed to the receptionist and asked or trather demanded where Tania was. She eyeballed me through her thick glasses, took her time till I hit the table furiously. Jake held my waist trying to get me to calm down before I kill the lady behind the desk.

However on seeing jake her countenance changed from plain rude to seductive as she winked at him right in my front, Jake's grip around my waist tightened. I turned to glare at him but he shook his head. In his way of saying she wasn't worth it.

"Look lady I need to see my sister, my son was just kidnapped and if you continue to waste my time I'll have you arrested for conspiracy, because right now it looks to me that you're delibrately stalling us in a bid to help the kidnappers escape, and believe me when I say you won't only be arrested but you'll lose your job and I'll make sure you rot in jail'' Jake said furiously.

I'd never seen him so angry, she told us the room no quickly and we wasted no time in taking the elevator and dashing into the room.

Tania was unconscious with a band aid round her head. I took a seat beside her bed while Jake left to see her doctor and attend to other things. I,m so scared what if it was....

No,No, No I can't think like that I have to stay positive, perhaps it's someone else that wants money. I wanted to cry but I held myself together, I needed to be strong for my Luke.

I remember the amount of pain and blood I lost while giving birth to him, the doctors said I lost so much blood and that he might not make it, but my Luke was a fighter and still is. God please protect him don't let them hurt my baby boy. 

Jake came back thirty minutes later.

"The doctor said she has a minor concussion and a not so deep cut at the back of her head but it didn't affect her brain so we have nothing to worry about. He said she'll be awake by morning and the detectives are here to question her'' he said.

''They can't question her now she's hurt and unconscious'' I argued.

''I know I've already informed them, so they'll be back by morning''

That's enough time for whoever kidnapped Luke to get away or worse... I thought inwardly I didn't want to think about it but I feared the worse I mean will he be okay when we find him? What do they want? Why did whoever kidnap him, do so? Why not me? I thought to myself as silent tears fell down my cheeks.

Jake quickly noticed and held me against his torso, kissed away the tears and kept reassuring me that we would find him, that he'll be okay, that nothing would happen to him.

I wanted to scream and ask how he could be so sure but I thought about it and just stayed put as he continued to stroke my hair.

I understand what Trisa's going through now, I can almost feel her pain, So what do you guys think, let me know and if you liked this chapter dont forget to like, follow, comment, vote but most importantly enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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