Chapter 1 - Humor Me

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Remus Lupin, arguable the most beloved teacher at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, leaned against the windowsill as he watched his students face the Boggart he had caught for them. 

One after the other shuffled forwards, fear in their eyes before the creature had even changed itself into whatever they so terribly disliked. The music which he had put on filled the room. His desperate attempt to brighten the mood worked, while the youngsters turned gloomy memories into jokes. He was looking forward to doing this exercise with the Weasley Twins, for he was sure of it they would be the best at the riddikulus spell. At times Fred and George reminded him of James and Sirius to an extent that it hurt. They played the same tricks and got themselves in all kinds of trouble, of which Remus had occasionally saved them.

The vinyl played on and thus our teacher continued to watch his students and their nightmares. Some faced the boggart bravely, others not quite so, but they had all managed to keep themselves out of harms way. Before he knew it, the line had subsided to two students, a girl from Hufflepuff and a Slytherin boy.

The girl stepped forwards with the bravery of a Gryffindor, though in her eyes shone a glimpse of regret. She swallowed nervously, watching the creature turn into an enormous bolt of lightning. It brightened up the room so fiercely that all the students covered their eyes, though all the same Remus Lupin kept them open, for if something where to happen he could intervene.
The lightning bolt changed with the very utter of the new spell and before the class stood Elvis Presley, with the very same lightning bolt on his too tight suit. The creature gasped, looked around in confusion and tried to turn its back on the students, which didn't helpt it's case for the suit seemed to be too tight at almost any given area. Although Remus didn't know who this man was, he laughed none the less and applauded his student with a bright smile. She stood there for a moment not knowing what to do as she watched Elvis stare her down in absolute terror. 

As she stepped aside, the pale face of Draco Malfoy became visible to him. The teenager was trying to act cocky, but the werewolf could see right through his facade. A sudden silence filled the classroom, all the students stared the only Malfoy down. Remus was hesitant to say anything, though there was no need to. Draco spoke first.

"Do we really need to do this, sir?" He said mockingly, less a question more a complaint, "we're never going to face a real Boggart, besides I have no fear to show it." He ended his speech with a chuckle and spoke: "Frankly, this seems utterly useless."

The Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts looked at his student. His eyes met the stormy glare of Hogwarts' bully, an arrogant smirk now turning into a shallow laugh. "Humor me, Mr. Malfoy," was all the Lycanthrope responded.

The Boggart disguised as the Elvis himself, stared at Draco from behind the Hufflepuff girl, who had yet to step away. It made it appear that they held a secret no one should know.

"How am I supposed to be scared with him looking like this," he shrugged, faking his ignorant. He tried his best to stop the beast from turning itself again, as the girl parted him and the creature. Taking the opportunity, the Slytherin hid behind her and stalled the ordeal.

"I'll make it easy for you," Remus chuckled, before sending the Boggart back to its prison, the old wooden wardrobe. "He's all yours," the teacher continued, "unless you're too scared." With those words, he pumped the ego of Draco Malfoy to an extent his chest could not have puffed more, and he could have not held his head any higher. The ex-student knew exactly what to say. He had a friend once just like him. It felt like old times again.

"I'm not scared!" he somewhat shouted.

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