Chapter 2 - Second Nature

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With those words the wooden wardrobe began to move violently, as if that which was kept inside had grown tired of its imprisonment. The wood shook and shivered with aggression, its monster growing tired. The mirror side which reflected a scared boy hiding behind the face of a bully, opened with a loud creaking sound. Remus held his breath for what was to come, what was it the Slytherin feared the most?

A pale hand from inside the wardrobe grabbed a gentle looking, though surely fierce being grip of the wood. Silver rings decorated its flesh, the ray of sunshine colliding with it was casted over the faces of the Defence Against the Dark Arts students. Some looked nervous, if Draco Malfoy feared it, it had to be something truly terrifying, others just wanted to know what it was for the sake of knowing.

Draco froze in what seemed utter terror, his breathing hitched as his crystal eyes turned dim, scared for his life. He wanted to step back, walk away, but before he could the door opened and out stepped Lucius Malfoy.

The tall and intimidating man looked around the room as if to find its prey, when his glance fell on Draco it seemed he found it.
His long blond hair fell perfectly over his face and shoulders, he was put-together as always, wearing his best suit, not a hint of dirt anywhere. He bore the weight of a heavy name and made it appear like nothing.
The only dirty thing was his walking stick, a hint of blood, just a tiny drop, on the teeth of the snake.

One of the most controversial man in the Wizarding World stated his son down as if it was just another dirty stain he needed to clean. There was no love in his eyes, no hint of affection. A perfect reincarnation of Lucius Malfoy himself. In fact, the Boggart seemed so real that he forced Draco to step back without a single word. The Slytherin who usually had such a big mouth, was left speechless. Drops of sweat ran down his back, his stormy eyes grew widened in fear and his dry lips opened for what seemed a call for help, a beg.

Draco knew what was to come, and although he knew it was fake, he couldn't help but freeze. That right there was his father, the man who screamed at him for dishonouring the family, never being a good enough son, the father who didn't care, and who would never.
Just a fraction of a second, but the young blond knew what was coming.  He raised his hands instinctively, recognising the look on his fathers face as the Boggart gripped the walking cane tight and flung it back, or was it indeed his father? The head of the snake cut through the air, its teeth seconds away from hitting the last Malfoy heir.

Draco let out a soft whimper, tears filling his eyes which he tried his best to hide. No one could see that the untouchable could be broken so easily. He could almost feel the silver biting in his skin, as it had, hadn't it been for Remus Lupin.

Remus, who had been staring heartbroken and speechless, jumped in front of his student. The music cut out, the vinyl had ended, and with the sudden miss of sound the Boggart shifted again. Dim moonlight lit up the class, clouds broke the white as a sudden cold accompanied it. A hundred memories filled Remus' eyes, for under that very moon had he spend countless nights, alone, afraid and hurt, disgusted by himself. A shiver went down the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher's spine with every full moon coming back, before he called out "Ridiculus."

With those words a bright balloon was send flying through the classroom, no hint of Lucius ever being present. The doors opened, the monster was caught, and that seemed to be it.
Silence filled everything, every nook, not a single cough or sigh. Everyone stared at Draco Malfoy, who was nothing. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks, but not a sound came from his lips. He had cried without anyone knowing for so many nights, it came like second nature to him.

The young Slytherin dried his tears, swallowed down his guilt, turned on his heels and walked away with such a pace it shook the floors, leaving everyone behind him. Now everyone knew.

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