Hi Everyday

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Finding love in the strangest of places, that's what I vouch for.

That's what Hello Monday is all about.

About finding love in this ever-growing mess we call our world.

Love for yourself, love for other people, love for the things you do.

I hope every single one of you finds all the love you deserve: anywhere, anytime. Do not simply settle and take it as it is; I want you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride feelings take you through. If you don't think the ride's for you, then get off it and go on another one. There are plenty of rides in an amusement park.

If you don't comprehend what I mean, then please, by all means, literally sit back, relax, and enjoy the rollercoaster ride of one Linette Martel.


A girl with a teacher for a best friend. She feels like she doesn't belong in her school for literal geniuses.

Enter MONDAY *full name unknown*.

A boy with a man-bun and a strange personality. He goes to said school for geniuses to raid it.

Enter DRAMA.

"Why have you come," then I spit back, "Sunday." Low blow, I know.

With my eyes still closed, I hear him laugh softly, "I told you. We want her.""Why? Why her?"

"I don't find the need to tell you that, princess."

"Stop calling me that," I growl.

"Why? Isn't that who you are?"

I keep quiet. I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult. But coming from him, it's most likely an insult.

"A spoiled, selfish brat who has a brain but not a heart," he finishes.

Ah, there it is. I might just curse at him.

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