Untitled Part 27

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"I bet you never even considered the pain of being put together and torn apart, and it all being for some sick experiment", Germany said angry at U.S.A.

Anger boiled inside of America and before the country knew it their hand was on Germany's thoart.  Germany struggled to breath and started to kick the other's legs.  He then stared at the expression of America.  It was full of rage and unforgiving.

America soon got a hold of himself when Germany looked like he was going to faint.  He dropped the poor country taking a step back after realizing what he did.  He then jolted out of the meeting building and to his house.  

"Why did I do that?", were the questions flooding America's mind at the moment. 

Germany on the other hand was clenching his thoart trying to both catch his breath and processed on what happened.  He knew he took it a bit too far but he didn't expect for America to try to strangle him to death as a result.  

(a time skip)

Germany had gathered his thoughts and wondered on how that happened and how he come to came to the situation in the first place.   It started with a simple hello.


"Hey how are you", America said in that anoying voice and tone of his. There was only the two in the hallway at the time so America had no one else to talk to. 

"Bad", Germany said having a prettty crappy day.

"Oh...um what happened?", America said a bit worried.

"Why would you care if you didn't when you spilted me in half?", Germany mumbled.

"Um..sorry what was that", America  didn't catch that. 


The conversation then took a ugly turn and here we are now 

*flashback ends*

"I did care, but I had an agreement", America tried 

"Whoever or Whatever that was it wasn't America", he finally came to the conclusion. 

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