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-Flash back-
"Hey, wheres Sam?", I asked Johnson. "Uhh, I think he's upstairs.", he replied without his eyes leaving the TV screen. I nodded and went upstairs in search for my boyfriend. I looked in my room, nope. I looked in Nash's room, nope. I looked in the guest room and there he was...making out with no other than Levi. When I opened the door, they jumped. Oh God, here comes the waterworks. Tears immediately poured out of my eyes. "Izzy, its not what it looks-", I cut Sammy off. "Get the fuck out, you fucking whore!", I shouted at Levi. Sammy started to put on his shoes until I screamed at him. "No, you stay your ass right fucking there, Sammy!" She grabbed her things and ran out the door. "How could you?", my voice cracked. "Izzy...", he calmly said. "No Sammy! Don't fucking say anything! Why? Why are you so selfish?", at this point my cheeks were soaked with my tears. Anger began boiling inside of me. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!", I screamed as I ran to Sammy who was sitting on the bed. I sat on his torso and locked my hands around his neck, choking him. As I attacked him, I heard footsteps running up the stairs. "Isabella! What are you doing?!", Nate shouted as he tried to pull me off of Sammy. I collected myself as much as I could and said with my now weak voice, "You took my virginity, something I could never get back, and now you do this to me. Get the fuck out of my house, you asshole." "What?", he said softly. "GET THE FUCK OUT!", I shouted once more as I tried to jump on him but was restrained by Jack J. and Nate. Sammy picked up his hat and ran down the stairs out of my house. When the two boys' grip loosened, I dropped to the floor and broke down. After that night, I didn't talk to Sammy for three months until one text changed that.

New message from: sammy
[7:02 PM] sammy: hey...
Message Read
[7:07 PM] sammy: please talk to me, its been three months
[7:08 PM] isabella: no. you're a worthless piece of shit who doesn't give a single fuck about anyone but yourself. out of all the girls to cheat on me with, you chose her. you hurt me bad and i really dont want to deal with you. im just starting to get used to not talking to you
Message Read

New message from: sammy
[9:23 PM] sammy: im sorry
Message Read
[9:24 PM] sammy: i know you dont care but i wanna tell you anyway
[9:24 PM] sammy: im a fuck up, i know that, but i don't wanna lose you. you're my best friend and my girlfriend, and i dont want you to go. can we please talk about this somewhere?
[9:26 PM] isabella: where
[9:26 PM] sammy: ill pick you up
Message Read
-End of Flash back-


After seeing Sammy fuck up again I knew I couldn't deal with him anymore and if I did, he would hurt me again.

I ran out the doors of the school and went straight to the parking lot. As I walked past a few cars, I saw a familiar face sitting in one.

"Cameron, what are you doing out here?", I asked as I wiped a few tears from under my eyes. "Eating in my car, and are you crying?", he replied, leaning out of his window. "Don't worry about.", I brushed off. "Mhmm. And why are you out here?", he smiled. "Leaving.", I half smiled. "You sick?" "Nah, I need to catch some air.", I responded. "Oh.", he nodded.

"Wanna come along?", I asked. He tapped his chin and pretended to think. "Hmm...why not?!", he laughed.

"Want to go on an adventure?" I nodded my head smiling and got into the passenger seat of his truck.


We drove for a while until the car came to a halt in front of the woods. "Where are we?", I asked, stretching. "At our destination.", he cheekily smiled. "Close your eyes!", he insisted. "Why?!" "I'm going to take you somewhere." At first I was a little skeptical but finally eased up.

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