Chapter 4: Unbinded Truth

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(A/n : Play the music on top)

Pyrrha's POV

Me : " One think that we wanted to ask you is, are you the one that got here on Remnant from the mysterious portal. ", I asked him because I wanted to ensure it that it was him.

Y/n : " * nods 'yes' * Perceptive as always I see. * chuckles * Indeed I am the one who came through the portal, is that the only thing that you wanted to know about me? ", he said to us raising a questioning eyebrow awaiting for our answer.

Ren : " Also, we wanted to know, is everyone from where you came from able to do what you can? I meant the size shifting ", he asked him, because if everyone else from where he came was able to do that. If they came here that wouldn't be something good.

Y/n's POV

Once he told me that, Ren was his name if my memory is correct (A/n: Ruby told to Y/n the names of the members of team JNPR on their way to Emerald Forest) I sighed deeply, remembering what the others where yelling at me, before I firstly had appeared to this place.

Me : " To answer your question, no one else at the place where I came from is able to do that, only I can. Also, from where I am from there are no such things as Semblances. ", I said to them doing air quotes with my fingers for the word place.

Nora : " * looks at Y/n doing air quotes when he was saying the word place * Wait a minute, you did air quotes when you were saying that. *gasps in surprise * So does that mean that you are from another planet. Like an alien or something?", she said to me and I sighed, face-palming myself before answering her question.

Me : " For saying that I am from another planet it's actually true, but to say that I am an alien that's probably the weirdest thing that I have ever heard in my life and believe me, I heard a lot of things. * he sees that team RWBY and JNPR are looking at him * I am from a planet similar to Remnant, but at the same time so much different. The planet's name is Earth and there no things such as Semblances and faunus were existing. ", I said to them.

Blake :" A world where only humans exist, but faunus don't. * sighs as she fixed the position of her glasses * Now I have seen it all. ", she said to me.

Jaune :" But this does not solve the main question. If at Earth as you say, there are no Semblances, then how did it happen for you to have powers? ", he asked me and I saw that they were looking at me. Damn it Jaune, couldn't you just refrain from asking that?, I thought to myself before I answered.

Me :" Well, the truth is that the powers that I have is because of the fact that I was cursed permanently by someone really evil. When my powers were firstly activated many of the people who were friends with me, had abandoned me thinking that I would hurt them, because I was just bigger than them. * remembers what Priest Seto and Yugi had done for him * But to those who really saw me as a friend, they had helped me till the end. * looks at them and sees that they are looking at him with surprised eyes to what he said * That's all that I remember before I teleported here at Remnant, because the rest is known to you. * gives them a sad smile * Don't worry for me, although that curse is permanent, I have learned to control my powers to their fullest. ", I said to them hiding the part of the truth that I remember more things than what I said to them, like the fact that I was the Pharaoh and I see that they are nodding approvingly.

Ruby's POV

Me :" * looks into Y/n's eyes, her silver ones lock with their crimson counterparts * I didn't know that you were hiding something like that from us, but rest assured that no one of us will betray your secret, I can promise you that. * looks up and sees that the sky begins to darken * Well, look at the time, it seems that we might need to get back at our dorms and get some rest. ", I said to them and I heard a loud yawning noise behind me and I saw that Y/n was yawning heavily. Hearing some gasps, I looked back at my team and team JNPR that they had taken a fearful step backwards, except for my team that took more than one, because they had still some fear of being that close to him when he is yawning. All thanks to the tease that had happened to us by him today, a few hours after our first encounter with him at the very place that we are here right now.

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