WAP reactions [preference]

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[thank you all for 100 reads :)]
[ requested by @euphre ]

-he wasn't surprised when you said you wanted to learn the dance, but he didn't expect you to actually learn it
-when he walked in to the living room and saw you doing it, he was pretty shocked
-he did enjoy the show though 0.O
-you posted it and he kept watching it over and over, you even caught him trying to learn it

-you do the dance in the living room while the boys (travis, cooper, and noah) are on the couch
-noah just sits there and watches in silence
-you see him watching you and even though he's being quiet you know he's enjoying it
-he looks over at the boys to make sure they aren't trying anything
-travis is just staring at his phone but he catches cooper looking
-when you're done dancing he gives cooper the death stare

-he watches you do it and just giggles the whole time
-it's honestly adorable af
-when you're done he tells you that you looked good
-he's a blushing mess
-he asks you to teach him the actual dance since he made a joke about doing it on stream
-you laugh but agree

-he walks in on you doing it
-he just stands there and watches, enjoying what you're doing
-after you're done he asks you where you've been practicing
-you tell him you practiced in his recording room when he wasn't in there
-he proceeds to go to his recording room and yell at his cutout of the pope because "you did the dance down here, he had to have been checking you out!"
-you just laugh at him and watch him chew out a piece of cardboard

-he is looking 👀
-he'd seen girls do the dance before and he wanted you to learn it but didn't want to ask
-he just sat there on the couch and watched with a huge smile on his face
-when you were done he walked over and watched the video with you
-told you how good you looked and how good your dancing was
-you thanked him and posted it
-you heard him watching it on his phone over and over

-you learned the dance in secret because you didn't know how travis would react
-he walked in on you filming it in the living room
-you saw him walk in but the show must go on
-he just stood there, admiring you
-after you were done he walked over and he was a blushing mess
-"that dance was,,,pretty" he said which made you laugh

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