One - What is tomorrow?

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Word count: 1528

Time moves at the same rate for ghosts as it does for the living. However, the years also fly by. Most days are the same, meaning they all merge together, and before you know it, next year has come.

The thing Captain missed most about being alive was war; he liked the excitement, the adrenaline, the tactics. It was great in his opinion. War had been the centre of his life... or, at least, that's what he would say to anyone who asked.

Luckily for him, it wasn't often that people asked, because the only people who had the ability to ask were ghosts (apart from Alison), and ghosts have an unspoken code which is to never bring up the topic of death or being alive.
No ghost likes to talk about it; who would like talking about the day they died? Talking about your own death is simply a huge reminder of all that was lost, or the pain that was suffered. No one would ever like that, so no one would ever ask about it unless the ghost in question was completely ready, and Captain wasn't ready.

Captain had loved war. But there was one thing he had loved even more, which he never spoke about. It had been the reason he died. He tried not to even think about it. He hated himself for what he loved; could he not just be normal?

"What are you doing?" Thomas yelled, coming through the wall and setting eyes upon his fellow ghost sitting on the windowsill seat. "This is my spot for sitting and sighing deeply and sorrowfully." He explained with a raised voice. Despite them sharing the house, he seemed to think he owned that one particular part. "I used too many 'and's in that sentence, shouldn't have done." He muttered to himself, wishing he hadn't made such a simple mistake in his language; it was embarrassing.

The Captain didn't have the energy to defend himself. Nothing good would come of it. Instead, he continued gazing out the window. It was quite a pleasant view, and although nothing was really happening it was a good place to look when no where else was suitable for the mood. If there were any place to claim ownership of, Tom had picked a good one.

"Are you not going to get up?" Thomas asked, rather annoyed at being ignored so bluntly.

"What's going on?" Fanny asked sternly, appearing through the wall.

Oh great, another person, Captain thought sarcastically to himself, wishing he could float up to the grey clouds outside and disappear completely.

"I came in and he was just here, sitting in my sitting space," Thomas started explaining, pointing to himself, "and then completely ignored me. Very rude." He finished dramatically.

"What happen?" Robin asked with his painfully rough voice, also coming through the wall with Pat and Mary. More and more people seemed to want to annoy Captain.

"Yes well I'm sure there's a reason-" Fanny started in response to Thomas, before Julian and Kitty also appeared into the room.

"Oh look!" Kitty exclaimed joyfully. "Everyone's here and together, how nice! Are we doing something?"

"Well I was just trying to explain-" Fanny started.

"This is my sitting space and now everyone's here and I can't do what I came in here to sit for!" Tom yelled, and Fanny huffed at not being allowed to finish.

"But why do you need a personal sitting space?" Julian asked pointedly. "It's not like you've got work to do. You've never properly worked. If anyone around here gets a sitting space it should be me!" Julian said.

"Why you?" Thomas asked. "We're all dead so technically none of us work." And with that, everyone started talking over each other in an argument. Except from the Captain, who stayed oddly silent.

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