Four - A Plan, and an Epiphany

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Word count: 2546

"Pat," Julian whisper-yelled to the Scout leader, who was walking through a corridor, alone for the first time in what seemed like ages but was in fact only a few minutes. Julian had been following him, waiting to ask a question, "Pat," he called again, and this time he was heard.

"Oh, Julian, didn't see you there." Pat replied, turning around to face the politician. "What do you want?" He asked politely. Julian glanced around to make sure no one was there before speaking.

"I want to know more about Captain's death, want to work together?" He asked, getting to the point because he might be limited on time.

"Actually, I've had a think about that and now realise I was being very rude and nosy back there. I don't know what got into me, I should know to stay out of people's business." Julian rolled his eyes at Pat's stupid moral compass. "I'm sorry but I think it would be best if we just left him to it," Pat continued, ignoring Julian's reaction, "and if I catch you trying to find out more about him I won't be happy."

"What would you do?" Julian asked, chuckling. The Scout leader was powerless against him.

"I'll tell Alison, and she'll take away your time on her smartphone." Pat said smugly. "If she wants to, of course." He added, smiling. Julian thought for a moment.

"Oh, all right." He said, in a rushed voice. "I won't try to find out more about him. Forget I ever talked to you."

"Promise?" Pat asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Are we children or something? Do you want a pinky pwomise?" Julian mocked, although eventually he gave into the glare, "Fine I promise." He said, satisfying Pat, before turning and leaving. He was not going to keep his promise - obviously - and now he had just made it harder for himself, because he now needed to avoid someone. But he would still find out... somehow.


"Look what I have," Havers said happily as he entered the Captain's room. He didn't knock; he no longer had to, and that feeling of being unbelievably smug and happy about that honour still rushed over him, even after an entire month. Captain pulled his chair out a bit to look at what was in his partner's hands, and smiled upon seeing it (of course, he had already been smiling after hearing Havers greet him, but now his smile enlargened). "That's right." The Lieutenant grinned.

"Where on Earth did you get that from?" Cap asked, returning a grin and standing up to give Havers a small welcome kiss, which turned into slightly more than small. They pulled away and Captain took out two simple wine glasses from one of his drawers.

"The local village," Havers said, putting the bottle of cheap wine onto the table next to the glasses, "may not have been an entirely legal exchange, but who cares?" He asked rhetorically. Captain loved how Havers seemed not to mind little things like that; if he were to do something that wasn't allowed, it would be on his conscience for weeks. He'd be terrified of being found out.

He opened the bottle quietly and poured two shy amounts of alcohol. They weren't meant to have alcohol, not in the middle of a war or when they needed to be ready to work at all times, so it was safer to only have a little bit.

"What shall we drink to?" He asked Havers. The Lieutenant thought for a minute before finally deciding.

"To the happiness we've found in each other, and to hoping it will one day be okay for us to be happy together." Havers said, before they put their glasses together and sipped the red liquid.

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