Two - The days we loved

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Word count: 2059

The sun was very much not shining, after all, it was the middle of the night. A certain Captain was sitting in his small room, which contained a single, metal-framed bed in the corner, a face-sized square mirror, a bookshelf, two chairs and a desk, which he was sat by, skimming some papers. It was cramped and boxy, but he considered himself lucky to have his own room and some privacy, unlike a lot of the lesser members of his department.

He happened to know that horses only sleep between 2 and 3 hours each night (although he'd forgotten why he knew that since he didn't work with horses) and was comparing himself to a horse when there was a knock on the door. It was 2am, and Captain momentarily wondered whether he had imagined it before calling out;

"Come in." just in case someone was there. He rubbed his eyes to wake himself up a little before his visiter entered. "Lieutenant Havers," he greeted, standing up to face his colleague, "what can I help you with at this hour?" He asked, having a sudden tendency to check that his neatly combed hair looked all right in the mirror, and to his relief it was fine. He only wanted to check to make sure he was as presentable as usual and as he should be, not for any reason in particular. That's what he told himself, anyway.

"Yes, well, I just have some things to hand in," the Lieutenant explained, stuttering a bit, handing the Captain a few pieces of paper neatly held together.

"Ah, thank you. And how are the blueprints for one of our projects coming along?" Captain asked, making conversation and not wanting the other man to leave (although that was only because he was bored, obviously).

"Good, I think it's only a few days away from completion if the other people working on it and I can work quickly." Havers replied, before the two ended up standing in silence. The Captain tried desperately to think of something else to say, but failed. "How is all your work going?" The Lieutenant asked after the few minutes of painful nothingness.

"Oh, err, good. I have a lot to read over, but otherwise things haven't been too demanding recently which makes a nice change." Captain replied gladly, happy that he wasn't the only one wanting the conversation to continue.

"Happy to hear it, sir. I'd best be off, though." Havers replied before smiling and leaving. Captain smiled back, and was left standing in the same place for long after the Lieutenant had left, thinking about what had happened. He liked talking to Havers. He liked it a lot.


It was the middle of an autumn day, orange-y brown colourful leaves covering the ground in a blanket, and Lieutenant Havers thought it ought to be appreciated. He walked into the main room with pace, seeing about 20 people in green uniforms all talking and looking at maps laid out on tables discussing where the enemy was and where to send their own troops. Most were just ordinary, but one, currently talking to someone who was showing him a telegram, was not ordinary. In the Lieutenant's eyes, at least, he was amazing.

He was strong, and confident. His voice was powerful, but not intimidating, not to Havers, at least. His overly neat hair had various grey strands that had come from the stress of war, but it suited him. He was the Captain.

"Hello sir," Havers greeted as the other person the Captain had been talking to walked away.

"Good day, Havers." Captain replied, smiling briefly before stopping himself and putting a more professional look on.

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