His Translator Part 6

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Ellie was the first to visit Henry when she had time. She couldn't stay long since she had to take charge of the clan while Henry recovered. Reginald visited here and there, occasionally with Right. Burt and Ellie visited the most often. As time went on, Henry began to recover from his bruises and concussion, finally being able to stay conscious for more than an hour. 

        The doctor entered Henry's hospital room.

"Good morning, Mr. Stickmin. You seem to be feeling well." Henry gave them a thumbs up. Sure he wasn't at 100% yet, but he was getting better. "I will be letting you out today but take it easy, alright? You're still haven't fully recovered, I wouldn't recommend going on heists or other missions in your condition. Understand?" Henry nodded

"I'd like to have someone escort you to your quarters, you'll need time to adjust to your new spine." Suddenly there was a gentle knock on the door before it opened, revealing Reginald and Right. "Hello, we're here to see Henry? Ellie couldn't make it today-Oh! Henry, you're already up."

Reginald happily noted, seeing Henry sitting up in his hospital bed. "Good timing you two, I was actually about to contact someone to help escort Mr.Stickmin to his residence. Are you willing to do so?" The doctor asked, gesturing towards Henry. 

"Oh! Yes, of course. We can do that." Reginald replied, Right hummed in agreement. "Excellent, just let me finish a few things here and you'll be free to go Mr. Stickmin." 

Henry smiled and gave them a thumbs up.

     Right wouldn't say he was particularly close to Henry. Sure, he didn't hate him like he used to, and they got along decently, but he wouldn't say the two of them were really friends. With all of that in mind, however, he really felt for Henry. Helping Henry to his room showed that he was still quite far from a full recovery. Despite Henry's attempts to smile and lighten the mood, his exhaustion and pain was clear. Henry trembled and stumbled quite a bit, it reminded Right of when he struggled with his cybernetic enhancements. What it was like trying to get used to not being able to feel some parts of his body while the rest of his body ached. Right knew how that felt all too well. There were a few times where Henry nearly collapsed, which led to Right and Reginald walking by both of Henry's sides so that they could catch him if he fell.

      When the three of them got to Henry's room, Henry immediately sat on the edge of his bed, huffing as he did so, Right leaned against the wall as Reginald stood next to him. "It's good to see you're doing better." Reginald commented, giving Henry a small smile. Henry returned the smile. Yes, he was tired and his painkillers for the day hadn't kicked in yet, but he was just happy to be out of the medical ward.

        Reginald walked towards Henry, taking a seat next to him. "Listen, Henry. I wanted to thank you for helping save me. I really appreciate it." Henry gave him a side hug, his usual friendly demeanor returning. Usually Reginald wasn't the biggest fan of Henry's random hugs, since they usually happen with little to no warning, but just this once… he returned the hug. It was nice to see him doing better. 

Reginald and Right continued to talk to Henry. Discussing various heists that they pulled, how Ellie was handling being the chief in Henry's place, how Burt and other Toppat members were doing, as well as various other things. 

"Glad things are good. Can't wait to work with everyone again." Henry wrasped, again struggling with his voice. Reginald and Right cringed slightly, Henry's voice sounded worse than usual. It sounded like he was in agony. "I'm calling Burt." Right declared, he was not having that.  "Thank you." Henry uttered, grateful that he could sign and avoid hurting his throat.

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