His Translator Part 11

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(This is mostly a fluffy chapter, not much plot development. Enjoy Burt's pinning)

         Henry and Burt ate together in the station's cafeteria, just to unwind and enjoy themselves. Henry especially wanted to just enjoy himself for a bit, what with everything that had transpired earlier. Although things had been stressful, he had to admit he was feeling better. Talking to Burt just.. Helped him. Burt made him feel comfortable and secure. He made communication more comfortable for Henry. Burt was there for Henry to during his recovery. He comforted Henry multiple times. Henry appreciated everything Burt had done for him. 

'Hey.' Henry signed. "Yeah boss?" Burt asked, before taking another bite of his muffin. 'I wanted to say thank you for what you've done for me. You've made my life a lot easier, I appreciate it. Just so you know, if you ever need help or someone to talk to, you can come to me as well.'  

Henry reached across the table and held Burt's hand, giving him a smile.

"Thanks boss. That's uh- good to know." Burt stuttered slightly, his cheeks slightly pink. Henry's random bits of affection were nothing new to Burt, but every time they happened, Burt felt something. It was a foreign sensation to Burt, but still pleasant. Each time Henry hugged him or held his hand, he felt welcomed. And each time Henry pulled away, Burt kind of missed it (of course, he never told Henry that). 

         Now that Burt thought about it, he enjoyed a lot of things about Henry. He looked forward to Henry's visits to his office. He liked being the one to translate Henry's sign language. He just liked Henry; his reckless yet determined attitude, his silly antics, his smile, his scars, and his openness around Burt. He wished that he was more open like Henry, but he just wasn't. He wasn't an expressive person. He internalized pretty much everything, that was just his nature, yet somehow… Henry brought out the emotions that Burt had hidden, at least some of them. 

     "So uh… Are you gonna go on any heists soon? It's been a long time since you've actually gone on one. With the whole spine thing and whatnot." Burt asked, changing the subject. Henry let go of Burt's hand so he could sign a response. 'Actually, I'm planning on going on a heist next week! Can't wait!' Burt smiled slightly, Henry's excitement was adorable. Like a puppy being given a treat. "I'm glad you're excited, but are you sure you'll be alright?" Burt asked, nobody wanted a repeat of last time. 'Yeah, I'll be ok. Ellie insisted on going with me, so I won't be alone.' Henry replied with a smile. 'I'll be sure to bring back a souvenir for you! Your birthstone is topaz, right?' Burt's cheeks turned ever so slightly pink, his boss had remembered his birthday. "Uh, yeah it is. I'm surprised you remember that…" No one else does… Burt thought. 'I've been trying to remember people's birthdays, but there's a lot of us. I at least want to remember the birthdays of the people I spend a lot of time with. I'm glad I got your birth month right.' Henry beamed proudly and Burt looked away bashfully, fidgeting with the sleeve of his sweater. "Yeah… I see what you mean… Thank you." Burt's nervous demeanor caused Henry to tilt his head to the side, an expression of mild concern etched its way onto his features. Henry took a gentle hold of Burt's hand, his grip was gentle, and his palm was slightly calloused. "You..okay Burt?" Henry asked in his hushed, slightly scratchy voice. "Huh? Oh! Yeah, I-uh just… I'm just not used to people… getting me birthday gifts and whatnot. Just never really took part in it much. Well, I guess except for you, boss." Burt stammered, his leader's presence making him comfortable and nervous somehow. Henry's grip on Burt's hand tightened slightly. He leaned forward over the table, slightly. "Burt.. You don't have to keep calling me boss, just Henry is fine." Henry whispered, he had talked more than preferred that day, so he was trying to avoid putting more strain on his throat. That being said, it didn't help Burt's nerves about his maybe-crush on his boss when he was leaning over a table whispering about how they don't have to be so formal. Burt's heart started beating harder, his cheeks felt warm, is this what having a crush is like? Switching between nervous and comfortable? Over and over again, back and forth, just feeling confused and yet… happy? Burt has never really felt like this before. This… giddy around someone. His stomach tied itself up into knots. Burt made eye contact with his boss… have Henry's eyes always been that blue? 

"Burt?" Crap. He got lost in thought while Henry was talking to him again. "Uh! Yeah bo- er, Henry. I was just thinking about something." Burt's cheeks continued to burn. Was that normal? Maybe, he wasn't sure. "Heh. It's gonna take some time for me to get used to calling you by your name." He stated bashfully. Henry pulled his hand away so he could sign again. 'Take your time.' Henry's sweet smile had once again made Burt's chest feel fuzzy. 

"Henry!" A voice interjected. Henry and Burt turned towards the source of the voice, revealing Ellie. "We still need to finalize the plan for next week's heist, aren't you coming?" Henry nodded, standing up, Burt followed. As the three walked together, Henry held Burt's hand. Burt gripped Henry's hand in return, the pinkness in his cheeks remained. Just then, Burt realized something. 

Shit. He does like Henry. He's in love with his boss.

To be continued... 

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