His Translator Part 7

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       Burt's eyes fluttered open as he was brought out of sleep. He was always a light sleeper, small sounds or movement woke him easily. Burt sighed, staring at the ceiling. The room was silent until...

"Sss!" The sound of someone's sharp intake of breath through their teeth caught Burt's attention. He sat up and looked at Henry, assuming the sound came from him. Henry was clutching the blankets so tightly his knuckles turned pale. His body was really tense, yet he was still sleeping. It was then it dawned on Burt.. Henry was having a nightmare. Burt wondered what Henry could be dreaming about that would evoke this kind of response. Burt observed Henry for a few more seconds before he decided to wake him up. 

     He reached out, gently placing his hand on Henry's back ( he made sure not to touch his spine ), before calling out to him. "Boss… Hey… wake up… Boss!" Burt whisper-yelled, while gently shaking Henry. Henry violently jolted awake, gasping as he did so. His spastic movement startled Burt. Henry sat up, looking around the room frantically before he moved his hands up to his chest. It was as if he was checking to see if he was intact. "Boss?" Henry's head snapped towards Burt's direction. Henry's expression was filled with panic as they made eye contact. "... Burt…?" Henry asked, his voice quiet and raspy. "Yeah boss, it's me." Henry let out a breath of relief. Henry laid back down, avoiding eye contact. He just stared off into space, as if he were contemplating what just happened. “You alright boss?” Burt asked, his voice laced with care. 

      "... Nightmare." Henry whispered, his breathing uneven. He sounded scared. Burt laid down next to Henry, resting his hand on Henry's back. "Do you want to talk about it?" Burt asked, not sure how else to help. Henry remained quiet for a bit, before he nodded. "Don't tell anyone…" 

"I won't boss, don't worry." 

        Henry nodded again; sitting up a second time, Burt did the same. Henry decided to sign, as it was more comfortable for him. 

'I was at the wall, and I called Reginald and the other Toppats for help. So I went to the cafeteria and launched myself towards the airship. I couldn't make the jump, but just before I fell, Reginald caught me. I was relieved, I thought he saved me… but he didn't. He betrayed me, he threw me into the ocean… it was cold… and dark.' 

"What happened next?" 

'I saw a woman, she saved me, gave me cybernetic enhancements, like Right's. I used them to get to the Toppats…' Henry paused, his hands trembled before he continued. 'I killed Right, and Reginald, I crashed the airship. Then I woke up.'

Burt looked up at Henry's face… was he crying? Sure enough, as if on cue, a few tears slid down his cheeks.


Henry buried his face in his hands. Sobs shook Henry's body. "I don't know what scares me more, the idea of being betrayed, or the idea of me bringing so many people down with me." Henry continued to cry. Burt's heart hurt at the sight, but it was the next thing Henry said that really made his heart throb.

"I care about the Toppats. I-I don't want to hurt any of you. I love you guys." 

Burt wasn't the most emotionally intelligent person out there, but he wanted to help. He had to.

"Boss, you haven't hurt us."

"I hurt Right." Henry replied weakly.

Burt paused; that was true, but there was surely more to it than that. "I'm pretty sure that if you didn't, he would've killed you. This is Right we're talking about."

"Still feel bad… I went so far…" Henry's voice continued to be hoarse and broken.

Burt was at a loss for words. He wasn't used to seeing Henry like this. This was Henry Stickmin; the man who broke out of prison, stole the Tunisian Diamond, Overthrew the previous Toppat leaders, escaped the Wall, and saved the Toppats from the government. Yet the idea of betrayal and harming the Toppat Clan brought him to tears. Burt had to say he admired Henry's deeply rooted dedication to the clan. Sh*t. How was he supposed to comfort him? Burt sat there, contemplating the best course of action before deciding to do what Henry would do to comfort someone else; give him a hug. Burt wrapped his arms around Henry. He wasn’t usually this affectionate, he simply wasn’t accustomed to it, but Henry needed this. Henry returned the hug, as Burt expected he would. Eventually Henry’s cries eased a bit, reduced to occasional sniffles and sobs.

“... Thank you…”

 “You would’ve done the same for me.”   

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