#2 - Hidden feelings

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On dusty streets of Konoha, a silver haired ninja was walking with his favorite book open. He was on the way to Konoha hospital. He just got back from his latest mission yesterday and was informed his team was under medical care. He wasn't quite surprised though. No matter how strong his students are, they are still young, careless and reckless. Sometimes, he wondered if they had fully grown up or not.
With the train of thoughts in his head, the ninja entered the hospital. If someone asks him what's the thing he hates most, the answer will always be hospital. Yes, he hates hospitals. He hates how they smell, especially the smell of antiseptics which make him wanna die right there. He always tried to run away even from his annual medical checkup until Sakura dragged him by collar with her inhuman force. Getting injuries from missions? Why he needs to care when he got the best medic as his student?

Kakashi snorted and went to counter to ask his students's rooms.

"Where's Naruto and Sakura Haruno?"

"Please wait sir.... Uzumaki san is in room 180, 1st floor and Haruno san is in room 315, 3rd  floor."

The jounin nodded and went to where he was told.

He walked into his blonde student's room without bothering to knock and found him with only white shorts on.

"Whaa....Kakashi-sensei!! Please knock for fuck's sake. You scared the shit out of me" The blonde shouted and picked his favorite orange pants.

"Maa....you don't need to be shy. We are men-

"Ow...go hell. Why am I shy 'ttebayo? I thought you were another Tsunade's anbu to watch me." Naruto retorted putting on his black jacket.

"Are you leaving already?"

"Of course. Obaa-san's been locking me up in this room for 3 days with the reason of my broken shoulder." He said moving his bandaged shoulder. Kakashi can hear his bones cracking.

"You sure you're good?" He asked lifting his one silver eyebrow.

"I'm very well. Dattebayo! I have to go training. Lee and I have a bet. I can't lose." He said putting on his ninja shoes. "Sensei should go to Sakura-chan. It's been 3 days but she hasn't woken up yet."

"I see. You don't seem to worry much about her. Tsunade said you've been a cry baby."

"Hmm... I do care about Sakura-chan. I just returned from her room just before you got here. As much as I worry, I can't stay still in this room. I've got to train. Guy-sensei said he'll help me."

Kakashi stood watching the energetic blonde packing his stuff. Ramen bowls were on everywhere that had flat surface but he doesn't bother cleaning them. Even the bed sheets were a bit stinky.

"Well...Don't do silly things."

"Hai Hai. See ya later, kakashi-sensei. Don't tell Obaa-san that I ran away."

Kakashi sighed watching his student who had already jumped out of the window.

The jounin left the room and went to where his pink haired student is. He stood in front of the door before going in, looking at the wooden board which showed "Room 315 Haruno Sakura"
Slowly, he turned the door knob and went inside. There she is, sleeping peacefully on white bed sheets in light green hospital robe. Her baby pink hair which length was now over shoulder was a little messy because of opening windows. Her skin was pale and even her pink lips turned white. Her long pink eyelashes were still and there was no movement in her body except breathing steadily. The diamond-shaped seal was lying gracefully on her forehead. His hands moved to tug her pink strands behind her ear, softly brushing his fingers on her cheek. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen anything more beautiful than the woman in front of him. Taking his hands back, Kakashi stepped back. He was just admiring the exotic beauty. Not that having any strange feelings about his own student, was he?
Looking around, he saw flowers and letters on her bedside table. These flowers must be from her Yamanaka friend, he thought. Letters were written wishes for her to get well soon. He even felt bad for bringing nothing but he knew Sakura would understand.

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