24- Choice

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A choice we all have to make.
A choice that will bring the change.
Change in how results will turn out.
It all starts how you react
To the situation we all had,
Did you keep quiet or shout,
You chose to keep it in or let it out.

Choice is the tool you have,
Because everything start and ends with choice,
A choice that shuts infinite doors,
Only to open up to infinite walls.

We many times forget ,
With choices not only comes responsibilities
But also rejections.
For each choice you make
100s are being rejected.

Direction of our life is lead by choice,
Day one or one day,
We choose between what is easy,
What is right,
Between brain and heart,
It always a fight.

Although we always have a second chance
We have to make a choice,
A choice we all have to make.
A choice that will bring the change.

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