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Am I happy now?
Or was I before?
Why can't I understand
Reasons of feelings in my core.

What's going on?
Why can't I be perfect?
I am blaming myself,
Doubting my each and every step.

I think I am lost,
Once again in the chaos.
I am really sorry for hurting you,
But I am sorry I really didn't knew.

I am really confused,
Things happening never reduce,
If this is how life goes,
I don't wanna try.

Take me back to the happy day,
When I was happy imagine a better today.
When everything was fine,
No matter I chose which way.

I want to be happy
As I was when I was alone,
I had nobody,
But somebody for me in phone,
When a sense of belonging came,
It all turned out to be a scam.

I want to be happy now,
As I was before,
I don't really know how,
But I hope you know.

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