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tw: death


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Facetime Audio


I need you

I will go nuts 😭

I think mababaliw na talaga

I've been crying

Hey, kre

Calm down

I heard from Ayca

She told me everything

So nasa Laguna kayo


We're at the hospital

Mom passed away, twenty minutes
ago 😭😭😭


Omg 😭

I'm crying now too

Stay strong, kre

She had a peaceful death

She confessed everything that has

Even the reason why she left us 😭

It was dad's fault, she found out he
was cheating

It hurts, Syl

Masama ang loob ko kay dad

We didn't even know he was cheating
back then 😭

We also learned Lukas isn't mom's

I mean, Lukas is our half-brother

He is dad's son with another woman

Can you believe it, Syl?

He lied

He made us believe that mom was pregnant
when she left and that she left the baby
in front of our house after she
gave birth

He made us hate mom when he was
to blame 😭


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