Saga 1 Part 1: A New Start

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(The First Part starts seconds after the this scene)

Kitty: Bud Were Getting Married


(Then A Yellow Car (Bumblebee) and A Cool Looking Man (Sam Witwicky) arrive)

Sam: Hey Cousin

Coby: Oh Great

Bumblebee: Big Autobot brother it's Your Little Autobot Brother

Then A Machine appears out of now and a Man

Unknown: Run

(They Ran outside)

10th Doctor: I'm The Doctor By the way, who are all of you

Coby: I'M Coby

Sam: I'm Sam

Bumblebee: I'm Bumblebee

Lori: I'M Lori

Bud: I'm Bud and This is my future wife Kitty

Kitty: Hi ☺🤗😚☺🙂😍

10th Doctor: Happy to meet you all... RUN FOR YOUR LIFES


Kitty: What The F*** was that

10th Doctor: That was a dalek

Sam: A What

10th Doctor: a Dalek

Optimus: A Dalek, how come I Heard it Before

10th Doctor: This Is My TARDIS, It's Bigger on the Inside, Let's go on an adventure

(Everyone gets in)

(Sam Presses a Button)

(Note: imagine Sam Witwicky, Bud, Coby, Lori, Kitty and the Autobots are in Mickey and Rose's Place in this)

To Be Continued in Shattered Glass and The Rise Of The Cybermen...

(Note: Also Imagine a Alternate Version of Sam In Lumic's Place and shattered glass Version of his cousin Buster is here)

2 Hours when the Autobots their allies and The Doctor Went to she Kitty's still alive father, one of The Homeless men now a Cyberman walks up

Transformers Cybertron and ever After High II: Doctor WhoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang