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Once I felt the arms I knew it was Bellamy. "John" I yelled while hanging upside down on Bellamy's back. "Put me down" I yell hitting him on the back with my fists. In return he hit my butt. "Ugh" I sigh. I start gasping for air to scare him into thinking I can't breathe. He hurried to set me down. When he does I "pass out". "Oh shit Freya" he says poking my face. "Boo" I yell standing up and running back to camp as fast as I can. Bellamy was far behind me. When I get into camp I hear Bell calling for me. "Hey Monty come here" I whisper-yell. "Hey what's up-" before he can say anything else I kiss him so when Bellamy came into camp he didn't see me. My plan worked. "Thanks Monty" I say and kiss his cheek. He blushes and says "no problem" I smile and walk over to my brother. "You dick" I say jumping on his back. "Whatever do you mean" he asks innocently. Before I can respond I feel cold water on me. "Bellamy" I yell jumping off of Murphy. he starts laughing. "You deserve" I start walking slowly to him "a hug" I yell jumping into his arms. "When do we go" "now" I hear. Well looks like I'm about to go on an adventure.

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