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I walked over to Clarke, Finn, Octavia and two others that were going to look for food and shelter supplies at a place called mount weather
"Make it six" O smiled at me and then we set off. I was walking next to Octavia, when Finn walked up to me and O and put a flower behind our ears.

I heard the words poison sumac and I knew that it was the calming plant I had heard about so I kept it behind my ear while O shook it out of her hair making me laugh at her. We were still walking but we heard a snap on the ground I was a dear munching on grass it's antlers were huge but then Finn decided to make his way towards the creature and stepped on a stick making the deer face us.

I didn't have one head it had two heads it was grossly cool but then it ran away, I ran ahead of the others while they were talking to O about her crime and she got upset, the they asked me
"The same reason as Octavia" O smiled at me and we ran ahead and found a river, me and Octavia started to strip down to our underwear, I even think I heard the guy with goggles say he loves earth while staring at me.

I jumped in first then O jumped in after then she started to taunt them "Octavia, Freya get out of the water now" I was to shocked to move then it was to late.

I was dragged under the water and it also bit Octavia but it let go of me when some cthing else hit the water I got up and tried to run but collapsed Jasper grabbed O and Finn grabbed me and they pulled us out the water my leg was bleeding a huge amount. Jasper said that he wanted swing over first it's probably to impress Octavia most People would.

Jasper found a sign that said mount weather but our cheers of celebration turned into screams and hushes of fright, that's when we decided it would be good to run back Finn carried me and Monty helped Octavia.

When we finally reached camp there was a fight commencing until princess Clarke split it up Murphy saw my leg and Bellamy saw Octavia's leg they both went ballistic.

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