What ever the hell we want

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"Oh shit are you ok" Murphy asks for the 5th time. "John I'm fine" I finally yell. I hobble to Octavia leaving Murphy. When I get there Clarke walks up and says they're going get Jasper and Octavia tries to get up but Bellamy says "no" and Clark says she's here for Bellamy because he has a gun. He lifts his shirtand sure enough there's a gun and a nice view on his v-line. I look away blushing. "I'm coming" I finally say. "No you are not" Bellamy says sternly. "Ha I'd love to see you try a stop me" I smirk. "Why would I go anyway" Bellamy smirks. I get in his face "you will come because you want these idiots to follow you and right now they know only one of us is scared" I tell him. I back up "give me five minutes" I say walking away from the small group. I walk to Monty "hey do you have a cloth I can wrap around my leg" I ask. "Yeah here" he says handing me some cloth. "Jasper would understand" I say giving him a hug. "See you later" I call walking out his tent and look for the group but don't see them. They left me. Oh hell no. I walk to the exit "I can't let you do that Murphy" I hear some one say from behind me. I turn around. "Atom go play kiss ass somewhere else" I turn back around and walk away. "I said you're not leaving" he says grabbing me wrist. i turn around and punch him. "I will cut you dick off and shove it down you throat if you touch me again" I say running off. What ever the hell we want. I smirk and run faster. The pain in my leg stops and is numb after 5 minutes. I hear arguments about the wristbands and I look down at mine. I need this thing off. "Hey dickface" I yell. Murphy and Bellamy both turn around. "I should kill you two" I say pointing at them. "I said you couldn't come" Bellamy and Murphy say at the same time. "What ever the hell we want right" I smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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