Two(Ethan x Nico)

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"NICO! NICO DONT YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME! Not yet Baby, not yet..." the boys voice trailed off as he watched his girlfriend, his best friend, his true love die in his arms

"Ethan... you have to move on..." she coughed up blood, and wiped a bit away with her finger, only to be replaced with more. "Ethan promise me you'll move on and find love again... please, Ethan, please..." her eyes pricked with tears as the cascaded down her bloodied and bruised face. Even then, she was still the most beautiful girl in the world to him.

Instead of responding with words he couldn't form yet, he kissed her. As he connected their lips, he felt the blood from her lips on his, felt their tears mixing, felt them become one one last time...

"I can't promise that, Nico... not yet anyways..." he let out a sob, not being able to stand the thought of never waking up to see her sleeping beside him, her face so peaceful as though she wasn't being targeted by so many, not having to worry about zombies this, battles that.

"You're gonna be ok, we can get you to Mark and-"

"Ethan. I love you..." they had never said it before. They knew they loved one another, but it felt odd to say it. He was frozen from the three simple words that had fallen from her lips, so frozen with surprise, that he almost didn't realize she was inhaling shakily, as though it hurt to try to live, which it probably did, and exhale with strength, but slowly, holding on to life as much as she could

She knew that that breath would be her last, and her being how she was, she wanted to make it count. As she finally finished exhaling, her eyes fluttered closed, to never reopen again

As the boy saw this, he was in shock. He didn't want to grow old without her, the girl he's known his whole life, the only girl he'd ever had eyes for, the one girl he loved

"Oh Baby..." he let out a sob. "I love you too..."

To all DiL fans, I'm sorry for not updating, also Nico isn't going to die. Yet

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