Crazy, right?

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AN: Warning, this is just a big run-on sentence. Sorry in advance.

Remember that one dream where you became a vampire and woke up in a random house and then some people walked in, surrounded you and told you that you were now a vampire and were now part of a vampire society and then they told you to go up the road to this one house to get registered or something so you left the house you woke up in and went down this gloomy ass road as you observed your surroundings and saw other vampires going about their day (or night in this case) and flying and shit and then you make it to this big ass haunted lookin house in the center of the community and you go in but the inside looks modern and there's a fuckin coffee shop and the person you're supposed to talk to is the manager of the coffee shop so you talk to her and apparently it's sorta like a "rite of passage" for rookie vampires to work at the cafe so now you gotta work at the cafe and since we're all vampires you gotta mix blood into everything ( there's blood in the coffee) and apparently the cafe also delivers so they make you deliver ramen (dafuq type cafe sells ramen??) to this person but they live really far away and apparently on top of a mountain so now you're climbing a mountain but there's also a group of tourists and/or hikers with you and j-hope from bts is also there ( the red haired j-hope) and you're holding ramen in your hands like it hasn't probably gotten soggy by now ( you're climbing a fuckin mountain) but you never know if you deliver the ramen or not because you woke up. Crazy right?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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