The last time, introduction

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Title: The Last Time

Author: NYC Lovers | Fidelio | Nguyệt Hạ | Lizzie

Category: Original (Short story)

Disclaimer: “The Last Time” by Taylor Swift & Snow Patrol. I have to say this song inspired me so much. Taylor is one of the greatest lyricists I have ever known. The whole idea of this story was from the  one time my iTunes shuffled to that song. It's amazing! Check it out on the right hand column!

Rating: T

Genre: Psychology, Slice of Life, Romance, Angst

Warning: None

Paring: Louis Tomlinson/OC - I have nothing against Eleanor ^__^ It's my habit to write with OCs, I always work best with OC! I chose the image of Willa Holland to be the representation of my OC ^^ I'm not pleased yet -_-, might change if posible. 

Author’s note: Thanks Reese ( @xKissMeHarry ) for giving me first comment, really appreciate it ^_^ You're the best!

I still wonder if I should continue though. As much as I love the current ending, I just can’t shake the feeling of ‘incomplete’ of the characters (and I believe I deliberately wrote it that way because imcompletion is just beautiful).

What the heck, I wrote the AN a long time ago. I am writing the sequel & the sequel of the sequel of this story. So just tell me if you want to read it and I'll post, otherwise I'm just gonna keep it for myself <3 which by the way is a pleasure lol I have heaps of stories and mostly for myself haha

I know I'm talking too much. Click next for the first chapter ^^


Liz x

The Last Time (A One Direction - Louis Tomlinson fan fiction) COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora