LGBTQ+ twins

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The three older jitsu draxum hamato boys sat with their two dads in the living room on the couch watching tv and chatting 

donnie and leo were on the left they both were close but were not close too close in the middle the rat dad himself sat in his boyfriends lap baron now redeemed himself as barry cuddled his boyfriend close it had been about 9 months since they started dating he blushed as his boyfriend moved closer into his chest and on the right was the oldest son raph watched the show 

comercials went on and the family dragged their attention to one another

mikeys absence was not unnoticable the youngest terrapain was in the shower currently finishing his final rinse and getting himself out 

psst don leo whispered secretely showing the bright colored mask of their youngest brother and his belt carrying weapons and spare coloring supplies 

you didnt donnie smirked looking at his younger twin 

i did leo smirked lowering it 

WHO THE HECK TOOK MY CLOTHES they heard a voice call recognizing it has mikeys

Gotta come get them leo said holding up the belt and mask surprising everyone but his twin 

you dirty turd raph laughed a little at the prank 

splinter imeadiantly started laughing holding his stomach at the reaction his youngest son would have 

barons eyes widened at the prank knowing that the youngest child probably would hit them across the forehead 

raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh leo mikey called running down 

he was blushing hard having to come down naked (he could not find his towels due to them being hidden) he crouched down trying to cover up his area

leo laughed falling over not being disturbed by seeinghis brothers naked body 

he had been secretely gay for a while now and he was dating usagie yojjimbo huesso the second eldest son of senior huesso he was part skeleton and part rabbit yokai he had taken mostly aafter his mother gorgeous white fur and long ears with blue tints at the end long hair he kept up in a man bun his eyes were a glorious dark blue and just plain iris's liek his fathers he absoloutely loved his boyfriend

he shook his head taking his mind off his secrete boyfriend 

mikey grabbed his clothes and ran off blushing in embarrasment th epthers laughd even barry chuckld

donnie on  the othr hand blushed its not like he had a crush on hus baby brother thats just gross but he was bisxual he was mainly after april but he still had his  moments for males 

mikey ran back quickly to put on his clothes and a few moments later returned fully dressed as the group laughed again as he flopped down on the couch 

you shouldnt be that embarassed raph teased we changed your diapers as a baby 

shut up mikey mumbled

why are you blushing raph laghed turning his head towards the purple clad softshell your not gay or anything your after april right 

donnie blushed 

i i 

what leo said 

im bisexual donnie said

he waited for scolding 

HA CALLED iT raph exclaimed clapping once

me too leo yelled 

cant be the only ones inthe fam splinter said

i cant believe thats liegal now barry said weirdly

mikey just sat there with a confused face nobody noticed but he was unaware of what it meant

you guys arent mad donnie asked

we knew it along time ago don dont worry your ok raph said

great donnie said weirdly they often teased him a bit over being bi 

Bisexual? mikey asked confused making the other family members have a shocked face 

like your farther and i barry said we dated girls in our past but now were dating bisexual like both girls and boys

oh mikey said

yes raph stated 

and theres more splinter continued he then expained all the sexualitys and their meanings to the youngest turtle 

woooah thats so cool mikey said thats really cool don mikey said

leo smiled knowing his twin came out he could come out 

and i am proud to say i am gay and currently dating senior huessos son usagi 

CALLED IT the rest of the family exclaimed exceot for young mikey he just smiled cool he exclaimed

now instead of the disaster twins your the lgbtq twins raph said

the whole family laughed as the tv finished its comercial break and returned to the program 

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