🖤How You Meet: Hwang Hyunjin🖤

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You work at JYP Entertainment as a choreographer. You have been appointed to work on a particularly difficult routine with the members of Stray Kids. You're in the studio with them for the first time and are instructing them on what to do. You can't help but notice that Hyunjin keeps looking at you. You decide to see if he needs any help. 

"Hey, do you need help?" you ask him.

"Oh, no. I have everything down," he says, blushing lightly. 

"Okay. I just saw you looking at me while I was helping I.N. so I thought I'd come check on you."

"God, this is embarrassing. I was looking at you because I think that you're pretty," he admits.

"Oh!" you say, surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah...I didn't mean to but...ugh..." he turns away, hiding his face.

"Hyunjin, it's alright," you reassure him, "I think that you're cute too."

"Wait, you do?" he beams.

"Yes," you smile.

"Well, would you go on a date with me?" he asks. 

"I'd love to."

You exchange numbers and agree on a time to go on a date. You finish out the session with the members and immediately text Hyunjin once he leaves.

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