Part 1

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Sigh. It was the first day of school. As i stood up and looked in the mirror, all i could see was the hot-mess i was. The night before, I stayed up doing skincare, hair tips, and eating healthy foods. But, as i could see, none of that had worked out. As I brushed my teeth and got ready, all I could think of was merab. I've known her for years now, and I could truly say, she was my happiness. I stepped downstairs to see my mom, making breakfast. “Goodmorning.” she said as she looked me up and down. Me and my mom didn't have the usual mother and daughter bond, we just didn't “get” each other. I sat down and my mom served me delicious pancakes dripping in maple syrup. Even though we didn't exactly love each other, i could definitely say, she was an amazing cook. I ate every single bite of the pancakes and never felt better. I took a quick glance at the time, and saw that it was almost time for the bus to come. I grabbed my coat and bag, and before I left,was forced to give my mom a kiss. No seriously, I am forced to kiss her. I ran out the door and stood at my bus stop. I had butterflies dancing around in my belly. I was super nervous and anxious. Thoughts were running around in my head, until the bus stopped right in front of me. I sat on the cold, hard seats and waited for merab to come. Once her stop came, all I could see was her big smile. 
Immediately, as she sat down next to me I hugged her as hard as I could. I was in so much joy to see her after 6 months. “Omg, YOU LOOK STUNNING!” she screamed as she saw my ripped jeans, chain, and shirt.”HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF?!” I yelled. Our conversation went on and on, until we finally arrived at school. We both looked at the school and I could tell both of our reactions were “WOW”. The school was huge! So much bigger than our old elementary school. We crossed the road until we reached our school. MARY-ANNA Junior Highschool

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