Part 2

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When we reached our classroom we sat down at our seats. Unfortunately, merabs seat wasn't next to mine. But we were still pretty close. The class started to fill up with kids that I had never seen before. The class started to fill up with chatter quickly, but all I could think of was “what is junior high like?”. The thought filled up my head. The door quietly opened up, and that was when I saw him. My eyes immediately attached to him. His lucious brown hair, slightly curly, with his vans hoodie. His eyes were green, like the color of limes. He walked slowly towards me, and I could feel my cheeks turning bright red. He passed my seat and then, I turned backwards and saw him sitting behind me. Immediately, I could feel my heart ripping out of my chest. The teacher came in, and then class started. All I could think of was myself. Do I look weird? What if he saw me blushing? I couldn't think straight. I looked at merab, and I could see that she was also blushing. I looked behind her and saw another boy. I smirked at her, and she gave me a death stare. I pointed my eyes to him. And she rolled her eyes at me. I loved her. The bell rang for lunch, finally, and me and sahar headed outside. I grabbed my phone out of my bag pocket, and ran out the door. We both giggled on the way out. We found a seat on the soft, glossy grass. My eyes were glued on him, I couldn't think straight. Meanwhile, Merab was ranting about her crush. I didn't tell merab i liked him yet. I mean, I tell her everything, but this just felt private at the moment. After lunch was over, we were walking back inside. I was so busy talking to merab, I wasn't watching where I was going. Before I knew it, I bumped into him. Everything felt like slomo, and I looked at his pale, soft skin, and his shining eyes. “Sorry..” I murmured out. He didn't reply. He walked away. I stood there, frozen. And continued to walk back in. Tears were filling my eyes, but I wiped them away quickly. I sat at my seat embarrassed, and when he walked in, I looked away. The day finally ended. I ran home straight to my room. I threw myself on my bed, and stared at the ceiling, tears rushing down my cheeks. Before I knew it, I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't want to go back. I didn't want to see him. I knew that I had to wake up. I got out of bed, dreadful and disgusted with myself. I still couldn't believe I did that yesterday. He probably saw me blushing again, and thought I was a fool. He's just a boy, I thought to myself. So what if he thinks i'm a fool? He probably doesn't even care about me. I got ready, had breakfast, got my coat and backpack, and headed out the door. I got on the bus, and sat next to merab ofc. We both made jokes and cackled like a bunch of witches. I just loved the way she made me always feel.  When we reached school, he was already there. I tried my best not to make contact with him, but my eyes couldn't help it. I think he realised I was staring at him. He looked at me back but I looked away. My cheeks were red, and my stomach felt sick. Finally, class started, and we headed back to our seats. During lunch, me and merab spent the whole time making jokes and laughing hard. We could tell people were looking at us, but did we care? No. A week had past of school, it was a friday. When we walked into class, we sat down. At this point, I felt much more confident. But he was still on my mind. Suddenly, the announcements came on. The principal's voice played over the speaker. “Goodmorning, riverbend junior high kids. I would like to make an important announcement. We will be having the fall dance this monday. The dance will consist of only grade 7’s and grade 8’s”. I could hear all the chatter of all the girls whispering to their friends, and all the boys looking around. I immediately looked at merab, who looked back at me. She immediately looked at Ezra, which was her crush's name. On that note, I also found out that his name was therhon.  A unique name. 
Class went on, and I thought who I would go with. It had been 2 weeks, so I knew basically every boy. Ethan? No he's too smelly. Evan? Too short and not my type. UGH, i thought. I threw my head back on my seat. The bell rang, and it was time to go back home. On the bus, me and merab chatted about who we'd go with. “I think I might go with ezra.” I looked at her shocked. “You're gonna ask him out?!”. “I mean, I'm very nervous but so what? He's just a boy. We both smiled at each other and laughed. My stop came and I walked out blowing kisses to merab. On the way home, all i thought was “He's just a boy”. He is, but there's something unique about him. He's shy, doesn't care what he looks like. At the same time, very hot. That night, I got out my old journals and wrote down some things to say so I could ask him out. “Hey, wanna go to the dance with me?” meh, too “simple”.  Minute by minute, I ripped out pages and pages. I was very tired and decided to go to sleep. On saturday, I convinced my mom to go shopping with me. She agreed because she also needed new clothes. I found this beautiful green dress, that shimmered from top to bottom. It had beautiful gems on the lacing, and reached my toes. I didn't care about shoes, I felt most comfortable in my vans. 

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