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Bishop had three main madam divas in term one, four in term two and that remain the same number even after the going of the Kiswahili mademoiselle and coming of Madam Grace. One thing I learnt about these divas was that they were not that close to each other.  They always seemed to be plotting things against each other always. There was like a competition between them kind of. Ok, I know that the biggest enemy of a woman is another woman saying but their competition was different. I was told that at first there were only two just before the coming of the Swahili teacher after the departure of Mr. Kizito, the loved but annoying Kiswahili teacher, not my words.

She is from the most hated tribe among the people here. I still don’t understand how she came here. In our country, we have a big problem of tribalism and with this madam’s ethnic tribe and my own, we never ever mix. She is single but look kind of old. She teaches C.R.E and business Studies. She is also the boarding mistress here.
Rumors have it that she is not a trained teacher but rather a tailor. Her body structures talks a lot about the tribe she is from and her deep accent. Come to think of it, I have never seen her entering our class.

They say that she is afraid of the boys in our class. I was also told that she had a boyfriend in our class. They have nicknamed her, ‘grandmother’ they say that she walks like a robot and forces herself to dress like a young girl which she is pat the stage. She is not that outgoing. The only closest teacher she is with is the principal which also brought the rumors that they are dating. They also call her a gold digger that is taking advantage of the principal. When it comes to the dorm matters, the girls don’t like her because she always favor some students especially the CU members. Her ‘daughter’ is Jemma Betty, the dorm prefect whom I hate with passion.

I don’t have any issues with her being that I never interact with her apart from when she comes to inspect the dorm which is not that often but what pisses me off is that she hates our locals so much. Oh and she favors Jemma Betty, that’s all.

She is the school secretary. She is called the mother of all gossips be it anything about a teacher, student or the non-teaching staffs, this woman knows it all. She puts herself as a teacher, always with them. Her fashion taste is kind of good but the woman is very overly blessed in all the parts of her body but the clothes she wears are not appropriate for her body structure.

She is the only non-teaching staff that lives at the teacher’s quarters with her family. The husband is the area’s chief and is rumored to be younger than he. She is also a player, so they say. She has three daughters and the only person at the quarters with a house maid. She also seems to be very lazy according to my source of information. I was told that once the whole form three class while in form two was punished by their class teacher, Brother Ivan for making fun of her walking style. They were caned for four hours.

The beef between the Swahili madam and her came to be because of the friendship between the e madam and Brother Ivan. Before the coming of madam, she was close to the brother. She was also the aunt to Knillah who one day wanted to take advantage of that fact to get out of problems with teachers. One day the madam secretary got a lash back for trying to intervene a case that the niece was in. she was reminded that she is just a secretary.. I was there I heard it with my own ears.

My view about her is that she is a rat, biting your fingers while blowing on them so that you don’t feel the pain. She used to do that between Mademoiselle and Madam Jacinta. With her being married, there were no rumors of her dating the students but with teachers, I heard some chit-chat that even from my Tz friend but I just ignored because the message from the rumor was very harsh, any word about it will make my mum to kill me.

She is this down to earth lady who works at the fraternity. She is always listening to music whenever she comes to work on Tuesday, Friday and Sundays. She has a beautiful heart this diva. Mikey always adore her. I don’t know why but I guess it was because she is blessed with everything. That was one thing I learnt about this guy, he doesn’t like slim girls. Fiona is a widow with two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl.

Max, our class’ last born calls her mum being that they are neighbors back home. I love her so much. With her, there is no rumors.

I know you might be asking why I never mention her name or why I talk so much about her… I don’t have an answer for the name part but she shaped my life in Bishop for those two and a half terms she was in this village school.

She was down to earth. She lived with the brothers in first term so we used to think that she was a nun. Her sense of fashion was just on point. You could never predict what she would wear, ever. She had very long hair but never used to exaggerate the styles. She is a big city girl, Oluoch, Eddy and Mikey’s age mates. She treated all of us equally. They say she was a born teacher.

She was very religious. Everything church was under her care. I was told that she was the one who brought back the Catholicism back to Bishop. She used to be the only Swahili teacher, form one west class teacher, H.O.D languages and the last born of the staffroom.

She was the most favorite teacher to the students which made her know secrets among us, every love affairs were known by her. Our class teacher and the Madam Deputy stir up rumors that she was dating Mikey and the idiot did nothing to stop the rumors. That is what brought about her downfall in this school and I guess it made her leave this school also...

Her favorite students were the Teso kids, the Tanzanian form one kid, Joy form three, assistant head boy , form Two, Brydon her cousin of form three and then the one person that you could never guess, George Odiwour, our class monitor who was even more of the favorite more than Mikey… I was not that close so I don’t know if I was in this family. I just know that Mikey used to be there but he destroyed the madam’s reputation.

Madam left us a disappointed lot but I guess we deserved it after destroying her in term two… well the idiot desk mate of mine did. Long live my Swahili teacher…..

I never saw what Mikey saw I this evil in disguise woman. To the whole school, she was a saint but Floriana and I saw through her mask. She pretended so much. In term two, the madam Swahili teacher moved to the teacher’s quarters with her.

I came to hate her when I was told by Floriana that she had told her not to trust the Swahili teacher. She just came recently, came and found that there was a harmonious relationship between the two and then comes to impose her stand on the relationship… Who does that? I never understood why she hated Madam so much and yet they had gone to the same institution of higher learning.   

George also hated her so much and she knew it very well. In our class, it was only the head boy and the head girl who apparently liked her.

When she came, it was like a disaster in the making. At first she came as a teacher on practice, meaning that she was not teaching the senior classes but then with the leaving of the original madam of Kiswahili, the school retained her. Her scandal was during her teaching practice, she had an affair with the other three teachers with her on teaching practice. Whether it was true or not, that was the word around Bishop.

She was in charge of C.U. she also helped with CRE when our teacher was not around. She lived with Madam Jacinta.  Truth be told, she never left the WOW FACTOR in me so, yeah being that she was a diva, I have to just mention her here.

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