Red Omega & 2041

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Flashback to 2041  (after chapter 9 of injustice)

It's been a week since the destruction of the RFG. Red Omega is still out there. We start things off with Mia and William in the arrow bunker. William is on his computer trying to track Red Omega.

Mia walks up to him and asked "Any luck trying to find Red Omega?"

"Luck? I'm going to need divine intervention if I'm ever gonna find Red Omega. I mean he's not in his lab and traffic cameras haven't even picked him up." William told her followed by him smacking his desk followed by hie phone ringing. He then picks it up and talks with the person, after a bit he says "Ok Barb just send the whole team over." followed by hanging up.

Mia then asked "What? Are you and Batgirl friends now?"

William then answered with "Well apparently she finally and va had time to track Red Omega and after a lunchbreak she located him at 'west brock st.' so I don't know how to feel. I mean on one hand we got Red Omega's location but that means Barb did in a lunchbreak what I couldn't do in a week."

"Wel,l maybe it was a week long lunchbreak." Mia joked. After a while the elevator doors open and Tim, Jason and Barb walked in. Jason then commented "Alright let's speed thing up because I'm tired of these two talking about solipsism."

"Solipsism?" Mia asked since she didn't know what it was. Tim replied with "It's the philosophical belief that everything around you was created by your own mind." Barb then added "Yeah we were discussing the improbability of it."

"Yeah agreed, because for figments of my imagination you all sure talk a lot of nonsense." Mia commented.

William then said "Well philosophy aside, Barb's algorithm has tracked Red Omega. He's about 2 blocks away from a foster care center so unless you want a bunch of causalities I would start moving."

"Well don't worry, the prototype batmobiles that Jay has been working on, should get us there in time." Barb told everyone

"You can work on cars?" Mia asked Jay in a very surprised way.

Jason responded with his usual sarcasm by saying "And you can apparently tie your shoes, so we all have surprises." before Mia could say anything to Jason Tim said "There both two seaters so will spilt up in teams of two."

"Great you and me can go on one and Jason and Barb can use the other." Mia suggested happily

"Or you and Barb can have some bonding time and me and Jay can go together." Tim suggested in a very serious manner.

Followed by everyone except William getting on the elevator. When they walk out of the building. We see two cars one being a black armored corvette C8 and the other being a black armored audi R8. Mia and Barb get in the C8 with Barb in the driver seat and Jason and Tim got in the audi R8 with Jason on the driver seat.

Both teams drove off to go fight Red Omega. Tim told Jason to drop him off by the foster care center. Jason drives off and Tim sneaks into the the foster care center.

We are now inside the Foster care center. Billy just walked into his room and was startled by the fact that Tim was in the corner of the room.

"What were you gonna do if someone else walked in here?" Billy asked as he slowly closed to door

"We need your help Billy." Tim told him bluntly as he completely ignored Billy's question

"Alright!" Billy answered with excitement

"That easy?" Tim asked surprised by that fact that Billy was onboard with him

"Well it's not like I can use my powers here." Billy told him

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