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When we stopped, I could hear and watch Phoenix and this guy who seemed to have black as his favorite color talk.

I waited patiently for her to get done talking. It seemed like she was in trouble. He dragged her off. I was curious, so I followed them. He shut her in this room in the dungeon. I wonder what's going on. He saw me out of the corner of his eye.

The professor assured her.

"A clever student, I think she would've been better at hiding."

We were walked to a tall witch in an emerald robe.

"Don't worry so much Chloe he just gave me a space robe after my performance," my friend told me. I tried to fake a laugh. She seemed to be able to tell the difference between a real laugh and a fake one.

We walked into a massive room. There were five banners hanging from the ceiling. The largest had the school crest embroidered into it. The smaller ones had different animals on them. A lion, a badger, a serpent, and an eagle. There seemed to be certain colors associated with the animals. I looked across the room and in front of the long tables. I could see a tall table with the professors sitting at it. I saw my abnormally short grandfather at a seat towards the one end. The lady with the green robe stood next to a stool with an old patched hat. The hat's rip opened. It started singing.

The one takeaway from the song was," I sort you into your houses and can view your entire mind."

The professor started to read names. One girl was sorted into Hufflepuff, another into Slytherin, one into Gryffindor, another into Hufflepuff, the first Ravenclaw.

Eventually my name was called.

"Hmm, a tough choice. Ambitious, but impeccably smart. Seems you did some taunting, but yet you're worried whether or not you'll make it into Ravenclaw?" The hat whispered into my ear. I couldn't stand this, and the hat knew it.

"Can perform some spells already? Ahead of the game? Embarrassed some students? Well," It taunted into my ear.

This continued for minutes, those minutes felt like long hours.

"RAVENCLAW!" The hat finally shouted.

I sat down with relief. Professor Gramps and the Ravenclaw students clapped as I sat down at the elongated table. There were many plates.

Soon after me, Phoenix got called. She hardly had sat down when the hat shouted,"SLYTHERIN!"

The last to be sorted was the black kid. His name was Blaise according to the scroll the professor had.

The eldest teacher stood up and said some words. Afterwards, he summoned a banquet. I reached for some italian breadsticks and pasta doused in cheese and red sauce. A young girl was next to me.

Her name was Athena Lovegood. She told me how her father was the editor of The Quibbler and how she had a younger sister and how her mother died experimenting with spells.

I felt bad for her. I couldn't imagine what life would be like without my mum. It would be like an unfixable rip in your favorite clothing.

I started to think about Draco and Harry. Even if Draco is a Slytherin, I still feel bad about what I did. He wouldn't have gone through that entire fiasco if I hadn't said anything about his photo of Harry. And, oh Harry, he's already going to get teased about his past, now he has another burden. Why did the hat place me in Ravenclaw? I don't belong here.

"Chloe?" Athena asked as she waved his hand over my face.

"Yeah?" I asked, not realizing I spaced out.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, isn't deep thought normal for a Ravenclaw?"

"I don't know."

"I heard my grandfather, Professor Flitwick, liked to journal a lot."

We started to grab at the food. I was stuffed. Dumbledore waved the food away and presented a row of pure sugar.

A grabbed some chocolate cake glazed with blue icing, a lot of it. Why aren't the Hufflepuffs eating? Aren't they going to starve all night?

We finished. Our headboy and headgirl led us up to Ravenclaw Tower. It was quite the walk.

The portrait asked,"Three boys, one immortal, and three objects. What are the objects called?"

The head boy said," Let's see if any of the first years can figure this one out."

Athena shot her hand into the air. I could tell she was very excited.

"Yes?" The portrait asked.

Athena walked towards the portrait.

"The Deathly Hallows, my father has a necklace of them."

The portrait swung open. It was kind of slow getting into the common room since the portrait was only so big.

When we eventually got in, I got very excited. There was a massive section dedicated to BOOKS! There was a fireplace and some comfortable blue seats with bronze frames.

I hurried over to the books. There were stacks upon stacks of them. Some of them seemed like they hadn't been touched in years because of the thick film of dust. I used my wand to float one of the books to me. It had fancy calligraphy on the top that said Charms For Communication. I flipped through the pages quickly and found one that can connect two books that way, whatever is written in one shows up in the other.

I took the book out and wrote my name on this sheet of parchment to let everyone know I took it.

I have a bunch of empty journals that I brought along. Maybe I can connect a pair of journals for me and Phoenix to write to each other.

I read the spell. It seemed kind of difficult. I practiced the wand motion a few times. For the way to say the spell, it was specific, say it casually and pronounce the I as a long E.

I waved my wand and said it as casually as I could. I tried to make it sound like I was in a conversation with someone else, but that's kind of hard if the person you're pretending to have a conversation with is a book.

After attempting the spell, I wrote something in the book. I flipped into the other book, nothing was there.

I tried it again, relaxing myself a little bit. I scribbled something again. I flipped into the other book, there was a little bit of something.

I took a few deep breaths. I waved my wand, smiled, and said the incantation. This time I felt like I said it pretty casually although the spell needs to think it too.

I scribbled once more. The scribbles appeared on the other notebook, very well. I was surprised. I figured I'd have to try several more times.

I looked at the clock. I'm not allowed out of the house areas after eight. I can probably

just meet up with Phoenix tomorrow.

I may as well go to my dormitory. Athena shares one with me. I walked inside and threw up a screen so I can change with some privacy. I grabbed my fuzzy pajamas and took my robe off, which now had a badge adorned to it. I quickly put my clothes on, so I could fall into bed.

I should probably do some more reading before classes start tomorrow. Although, I think I'm too tired for that. My parents have a strict bedtime of nine o'clock in my house. I hope I can stay up later when I get older, though.

I told my dorm mates goodnight and took my screen down and put it under my bed.

The Eagle and The Serpent || Chloe EszesWhere stories live. Discover now