Why so quick to accuse. 2

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Red woke up his head pounding as the meeting alarm rang throughout the spaceship. "Wah..." He groaned, the muscles in his arms tensing as he made the move to stretch, panic taking over his form as he found himself unable to. His frantic gaze flickered down just to see what was holding him, a sigh of relief tumbling out of his mouth as he spotted white, finding that their bodies were tangled together.

His head clears for a moment panic seeping out of him and he begins to separate himself from his sleeping crewmate, wracking his brain for a reason as to why he was in a bed with the other. Then it hit him... right, there were catching some z's during the day so that they would have the energy for the meeting this night. Red grumbled as he attempted to pull white's arms off now that their legs were untangled and found that they would not budge.

"C'mon, Colden." He whines, letting out a huff as he pulls again and in return is held tighter. "Time to wake up... It's getting hard to breath." He gently slaps white with his hand, wincing as the contact echoed throughout the clean plain room the dresser, bed and bookshelf that held no books doing nothing to absorb the sound.

"mm," White mumbled, rousing from his sleep, blinking in a slow manner, his gaze meeting reds.

"Oh.. good morning." He whispers the rich tone of sleep in his voice, pulling red closer, startling a surprised eep out of the human as he rests his head in the crook of red's soft neck, his smooth brown locks tickling whites nose.

"It's not morning, it's night in fact." Red corrected, beginning to wiggle in whites' grip. "And we have a meeting to attend too." He hissed, nails biting into white's suit.

White blinked once more, releasing red instantly. "Right." He coughed, shuffling away from his fellow crewmate...

Red sighed, running a hand through his hair while coughing into the other, with a swing of his legs he propelled himself onto the floor, landing with the small amount of grace only a cat could truly have while white watched him.

Whites stare did not go unnoticed, red felt it upon his back and shivered, a flush upon his face as he reached for his helmet, placing it upon his head and turning it with a click, white falling foot.


Red sat down, ignoring the judgmental stares of his fellow crewmates, eyes obediently staring at the smooth cream colour of the table.

This was not just some fun little psychological project for him, this was real, people's lives were on the line and he needed to remember this. Similar thought to that plagued red's mind as his hand slid down his thigh, landing upon his pocket, giving the little notebook inside it a squeeze, startling as white placed a hand on his shoulder the body of the other close to his.

Lime glowered at them, his presence suffocating, his body right next to a nervous blue, who stood in silence.

Time ticked by slow, well as slow as time could be in the mind of someone as nervous as red. The chance someone is to die tonight was high, now whether the person is a good or bad person, is honestly up to those who survive to tell the tale.

Teal and green entered the room, their footsteps quite though did not go unnoticed. Lime eyes hardened upon their entry, standing up from his chair and glaring. Fear bubbling up in red as the two approached, green continuing to rub soothing circles into teals back, mumbling to her.

"Finally." Lime hissed, slamming a hand down on the table. "What took you so long!?" The two crewmates startled, the soft sniffles leaving teal buzzing within red's mind, wrapping around his throat, and suffocating him with their feels.

Green stiffened, "Watch your tone. She found the body of her girlfriend a couple of hours ago, show some sympathy." He conveyed, pulling teal closer and helping her to her seat, the girl responding with a watery thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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It's cold in space. (White/red) (Imposter/Crew mate)Where stories live. Discover now