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Moms POV
I felt like I was in a daze. Everything going on around me was muffled. My whole body was trembling as I took a seat within the ambulance. Behind me two paramedics were yelling things I couldn't comprehend. I was so scared. This can't be  happening again. I've already lost my first husband I can't lose my baby too.

Soon the ambulance was rolling into the emergency bay. Before it had stopped the EMT's were prepared to jump out. The moment they could they jumped out and wheeled my son's gurney into the triage area. I quickly hopped out and staggered after them until I was stopped as they whisked him into surgery. I stood there staring at the doors and trembling until my legs gave out. I realized I was sobbing and begging to bring him back when an elderly woman gently put her hand on my shoulder. 

She smiled kindly at me and introduced herself as Sue. Then she gently guided me into a chair in the waiting room. Kneeling down in front of me she asked "Is there anyone you needed to call?" 

"M-m-my sister. She'll have to get the girls from school." 

"I'll leave you to it. Do you need a phone?"

I shook my head no before taking out my cellphone and dialing my sister's number.  She picked up on the third ring. After explaining the situation she agreed to get the girls and meet up with me afterwards. 

Fifteen minutes later my sister Dani came running in with the girls. Brook ran up to me and collapsed in tears while Mella clung to her aunt for a moment before reaching towards me. Dani brought her over and I shifted Brook so that I could comfort them both. 

Mella's POV
"Mella Tronis report to the office for pick up." 
When the announcement came I was confused.  Normally mommy tells me when I'm going home early or have a doctor visit. I tried to think if I forgot something but nothing came to mind. In the background I heard the phone ring and my teacher talking to somebody. I was still standing there when Ms. Amy came up to me and told me "let's gather up your things. Your aunt's here to pick you up" She had a smile on her face but her eyes were sad. 

Once packed, Ms. Amy took my hand and walked me to the office.  As soon as I seen aunt Dani I excitedly went to jump up to hug her. Auntie got down to my level to give me a hug but suddenly I was worried.  Auntie was crying really hard. Trying to make her feel better I squeezed her extra tight in our hug. After a few minutes she stood up wiping her face and took my hand. 
"Let's go get Brook, kay." She said softly.

Confused over why aunt Dani is sad, but happy to see her I  followed aunt Dani towards the big kids part of the school. When we walk into the office Brook is already waiting. She smiles when she sees me but as she looks at aunt Dani it turns into a frown. Seeing Brook frown I turn back to aunt Dani too. She is sad again. I'm confused and a bit worried again. So I ask her "Why are you sad?". She gives my hand a soft squeeze and says she'll explain in the car.

Once we were all fastened in, sister and I stared expectantly at aunt Dani. Letting out a sad sigh she rubs her hand over her face before looking at each of us. 
"Your brother got hurt" she told us.
"Is he okay?" Brook asked worriedly. 
"Not this time. He's in the hospital.  I came to get you guys so I can take you to mama. She's waiting for us." She explained.  

Brook suddenly covered her mouth and started to cry. I couldn't figure out why they were both upset. Brother gets hurt all the time. He just gets back up, laughs about it  and moves on. But as we drove I started to get a bad feeling. When we stopped I looked out the window expecting to be home. Instead there was a huge building with lots of people sad or hurt. Seeing my confused look Brook tells me "it's a hospital.  That's kinda like a special doctors office you go to when you can't wait until an appointment. "

Not sure why we are here I just nod as Brook helps me out of the car and takes my hand. After a few steps aunt Dani picks me up and we all run inside. The sudden movement startles me so I hold on tight. After a moment we find mommy. I was gonna join her until she fell on mommy and started sobbing.  Now I was uncertain so I clung to aunt Dani for a moment. With everybody else crying I started to get scared and cried too. A small nod from her reassures me so I reach out for mama to grab me. She does, pulling me close and hugging me tight, as she cries a lot.

Snuggling into moms arms I couldn't understand why everyone was so upset.  But mama's tears made me sad and scared so I cry too. I started to wonder if brother was gonna be okay. Everyone's so sad he musta gotten hurt real bad. Before I know it I've cried myself to sleep.

Brook POV 
After hours of waiting I was nearly asleep when a doctor walked up to us. 
"Are you the family of JJ Tronis? " he asked. When we nodded affirmatively he sat in the chair across from us wearily.  Leaning forward he looked at mom and began to explain JJs current status. "When your son arrived we rushed him into the OR(operation room) for emergency surgery.  The gunshot wound nicked his heart and punctured his lung. We had to immediately operate and even with that we nearly lost him more than once. We were able to stabilize him for now but want to keep him in the ICU (intensive care unit). He explained. 
"Can we see him?" Mother asked the doctor. 
"You may mam but I would advise against the youngest going in. JJ is hooked up to a lot of machines and it can be scary for children to see a loved one like that."he cautioned. 
"Machines? For what?" I asked timidly. 

"He has a chest tube, which is a plastic tube put in the side of his chest. During surgery it was used suction to remove excess blood and fluid from around his heart and lungs. Now we keep it in because it helps ease his breathing. It also relieves pressure on his heart and helps with circulation," he began. "Another machine will be the Endotracheal tube. While scary looking it is simply a tube put down his throat to help him breathe.  That is then hooked up to a respirator that provides oxygen and regulates his breathing. You'll also see an Electrocardiogram. That'll be the machine with the spikey lines that monitor his heart rhythm. There will also be several lines going into him from various bags hanging around. Those contain multiple medications that are keeping him alive. The red one is a blood bag to maintain a healthy blood count. As well as an IV to prevent dehydration and increase blood flow to all major organs," at this point he paused before asking if "anyone in our family had the same blood type". I knew I did from when we had a class bonus assignment to find our blood type. Once I told him I did he asked mom for permission to draw some blood from me in case JJ needs more. Due to the amount he already needed they were low on his type.

Mom agreed and another nurse walked up and asked me to please follow her. As they led me away I glanced back to see the doctor talking low to mom. I tried to stop when mom covered her mouth and started sobbing again but they insisted that we go draw blood. When they reminded me that it may save JJ's life I reluctantly followed her.

Mom POV 
As a nurse led Brook away the doctor addressed me again.  This time the urgency in his voice scared me. 
"I'm sorry but I didn't want to get too far into it with a minor present.  There is more if you want to know the rest," he started quietly. 

"Yes, of course I do. But what could possibly be worse? " I asked with rising dread. 

"When your son was shot his heart was grazed flooding the pericardial sac with blood. That put immense pressure on his heart and had to be drained immediately so his heart could function fully.

Due to the lungs being punctured his lungs were also flooded with blood. The extended time his body was under such stress as well as the number of times he died on the operation table has affected his brain. Leaving him in a coma," he concluded solemnly. 

I felt like my world stopped.  The devastated gasps that escaped me was quickly covered as I broke down sobbing.  Falling to my knees I prayed for the first time since I lost my children's father. Begging for any entity that would listen to please save my son! Don't let me lose him too!

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