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Mom POV 
Emotionally exhausted after once again being photographed for abuse documentation . Each time I go through this it's like reliving the nightmare all over again. It hurts to even breathe from where he kicked me and the bruises were awful. And the whole process took extra time cause they had to take some x-rays, and wrap several fractured ribs.  Then they also needed to clean my head wound and give me seven stitches.  

When they finally told me I could go rejoin my girls I nearly cried in relief that it was over. Exiting the room I see my girls coloring with officer Amy in the lounge near JJ's room. I only took a couple steps towards the girls before my world began to collapse. 

The comforting beep...beep...beep of the heart monitor in JJ's room was suddenly replaced by a high pitched whine. Seconds later the red light above his door started to flash urgently.  Over the PA my nurse briskly called out "code blue in room 122! Code blue in room 122!" Worry is replaced by absolute panic as a team of doctors rushed his room shouting and working frantically to stabilize my son.

My trance breaking, I ran at the door attempting to enter the room.  I needed to see him. I needed to know he was okay. At the door one of the doctors restrained me barring my entry. In desperation I fought him fiercely but he refused to budge. The incessant whine of the heart monitor was straining at my already deteriorating sense. Seeing his body jolt as they shock it in an attempt to restart his heart sends my own heart racing. I panic when I can no longer see JJ as my tears cloud my vision. Desperate I cried out 
"Nooooo! My baby! Please save my baby!"

Beep...beep...beep.  That sound brought me such a sense of profound relief.  My last thought before the darkness swallows me was 'thank God'.

Brook POV
"Mom!" I cried out running forward as my mom collapses towards the floor. The doctor she attacked earlier caught her limp body and lowered it down gently. I slid on my knees the last two feet to her side, tears running down my face.  As I knelt beside her the doctor was checking her vitals. Anxiously awaiting news on her condition I fidgeted restlessly. "She's fine she just experienced a shock. We'll set a cot in your brothers room for her for now," the doctor gently informed me. Letting out a relieved sigh I follow him to JJ's room.

When I seen him, I covered my mouth in shock.  There were tubes everywhere. His bed surrounded with machines.  Seeing him look so fragile, my heart broke for him. Only the reassuring beep of the heart monitor and the slow rise and fall of his chest allowed me to calm down.  He's alive. And he's a fighter. He WILL survive this. 

But he was so pale and skinny. Bandages wrapped around his chest peeked out where his hospital gown had been cut away to restart his heart.  As I slowly walked into the room with tears in my eyes Mella clung tightly to the hem of my shirt whimpering softly. 

The doctor entered the room and sadly glanced at the view of our mother laid out in a cot next to JJ's bed. When Mella asked, "why brother not wake up yet?", the doctor knelt down to her level with a sad sigh. Looking at Mella and I he told us the news I'd been dreading to hear.  "He's in a coma. There was so much blood loss. The bullet nicked his heart and punctured his left lung. We are lucky he even survived. We almost lost him more than once. Your brother's a real fighter. Now you just need to give him time to heal."

Mella pulled on the hem of my shirt until I looked her way. "What he mean we almost lost brother? Brother's right here." Her innocent question almost reduced me to tears once more. I didn't know how to answer her.  She's just too young to understand. 

I sat next to him just listening to the monitors.  Watching his chest rise and fall, his breathing slow and quiet. Silent tears rolling down my face I lay my head by JJ's while carefully holding his hand.  With a final glance at Mella, snuggled up to mom on the cot, I let exhaustion lull me to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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