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Mella POV
Mama's sobbing woke me up. I was still super tired but mama looked like she really needed a hug. I climbed down from my chair and wiggled under mama's arm so I could snuggle up close and wrapped my arms around her neck. A moment later mama squeezed me back and started rocking back and forth still sobbing. Mommy crying made me so sad I started to cry too.

As we were cuddled together somebody cleared their throat loudly causing us to look up. In front of us there was two police officers. A man who said his name was Dave and a girl who said her name was Amy. Amy held her hand out to mommy and helped her stand. After we took a seat the officers pulled up chairs near us and looked at mama.
"Mam we have a few questions for you," Dave began.
"My son's been shot and I haven't even had a chance to see him yet! Can't this wait!? Mom said sharply.
"I'm sorry mam, but this is important. I know your son is currently in ICU and hasn't awoken yet. Even if you were to visit he is unresponsive. With that being the case it would be better if we did this before he wakes up," Dave responded calmly.

Mama nodded sadly before telling him she'd answer what she can. Dave went over to the desk and talked to the lady for a moment before returning with a set of keys.
"Right this way mam. The hospital will allow us to use this empty office for privacy," Dave told us as he led us to a closed door and opened it leading us into the room. Once we had all taken a seat he started talking. (italics and underlined-cops. Normal text- mommy's answers)

"Can you tell me about your day leading up to the event?" Dave began.
"Actually it all started yesterday. When I got out of work at 4:30 I went home intending to gather some of mine and the kids stuff for the next day. The previous day the children and I had met up at our safe house after Tom attacked JJ again. Unfortunately leaving on such short notice none of us had anything with us."

"What did you do when you got home?"
"I went inside and was packing up some clothes and necessities when the front door opened. For some reason Tom was home early and by the sounds of it there was another man with him. I froze listening until I heard them go downstairs then tried to quickly grab what I could and sneak out. Feet away from the door I heard Tom's angry voice demanding to know what I was doing. He began shouting "how dare you leave! You think you can really get away from me! I own you!" And other things while advancing on me threateningly. Before I could escape he struck me causing me to fall to the floor. Once down he started kicking me while screaming at me. I tucked myself into a ball covering my head but soon blacked out."

"What happened after you woke up?"
"When I woke up again it was morning. The clock read 7am. When I first attempted to get up I fell back down due to the pain. After taking a few deep breaths I was able to stand and snuck towards the bedroom door. Not hearing Tom anywhere I quickly climbed the stairs. When the front door closed and I watched Tom's truck leave I hid for probably 20 minutes before making a run for the front door. I was about halfway there when I was yanked back by my hair. I tried to fight back but he stuck me again.

I froze for a moment as I thought I heard the door to my room I shared with my previous husband(now guest room) open. Watching the spot I whimpered as I seen JJ poke his head around the corner with his father's 9mm gun held ready at his side. "How dare you leave me!" Tom raged "and after everything I've done for you and those thankless brats of yours!" Tom's hand was held threateningly readying to strike me again when JJ came around the corner.

Careful to aim his gun steadily at Tom's head JJ advanced into the Room. Releasing the safety lock on the 9-milimeter JJ told Tom to "get the hell away" from me. Tom froze, then with a heartless slap he struck me again. Blood dripped down my face causing the room to spin. A moment later I passed out."

His next question was, "Do you know the assailant?" Mom nodded. So he continued with "How do you know the assailant?"
"He is...was my current husband Tom McDaniel," mom answered.
After mom's answer Amy continues with

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