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iii. sometimes, i still wonder how our relationship became so bittersweet.

-/it was a mash-up of flavours flooding his mouth: the sourness sharply piercing the inside of his cheeks, the spiciness numbing his tongue, the saltiness enveloping the roof of his mouth, and the bittersweetness nestling in-between his teeth./



That was how the chocolate tasted like.

"Mmp!" She clamped a hand over her lips as the sharp tang of the wine permeated her mouth, the bitterness dominating the gentle sweetness of the milk chocolate. "I-It's so bitter...!" She muttered, looking at him thru watering eyes. He just laughed casually, hands in his pockets.

"Told ya' it'd be bitter," he chastised, grabbing the bar from her and setting it down on his side. "Considering the label had Jack Daniel's on it, you should've known better," he added, crossing his arms.

She slapped his shoulder in annoyance before downing a whole glass of water in one gulp and placing it somewhere.

"Ugh," she groaned, wiping her mouth and spitting out the remnants of the taste. "Never gonna trust the shit you give me again."

He only laughed and patted her shoulder.  "Aw, come on, don't be like that," he quipped. "And it was your fault, too! You already read the label and everything! Hell, I even warned you before," he uttered, narrowing his eyes slightly.

She merely glanced at him before averting her gaze, a red hue dusting her cheeks before she sighed.

"Shut up," she replied, rolling her eyes before smiling softly.

He opened his mouth to spit out some smart-ass retort, but paused at the look in her eye. It was something he'd never seen at first, but after he knew, it'd been prominent lately.

He never thought about it much really, but to be honest, it was so gentle it made him smile, even for a bit.

"Alright, alright, I will," he only replied quietly, exhaling amusedly before resting his head on her shoulder and closing his eyes. He felt her tense up before relaxing slightly.

The room was quiet, sans for the whirring electric fan and the soothing music playing in the background. With this sort of atmosphere, he began to surround himself with his thoughts.

She was warm and soft, and he knew he didn't really deserve it and all that, but it honestly felt kind of nice. It made him feel...something. He didn't know what it was exactly, but he was sure it wasn't that.

A soft sigh broke his musings, and he cracked one eye open in question. She didn't seem to acknowledge it, however, as she was looking at the wall.

"I know you're probably asleep and all, but...don't get tired of me, okay?"

He froze slightly at that, before he gave a genuine smile.

"...Heh. Don't you get tired of me, either."

If she heard him at all, she made no move to show it and instead merely adjusted her position.

Little did they know, both of them were crying at the same time.



That was how their relationship was like.

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