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Izuku POV

I woke up with the sun shining brightly at the sky, I then looked around and to see myself in a not so familiar room

'So it's not a dream, thank kami' I thought releasing a satisfied smile

What may have happened? You see, it all started like this :


I woke up 6 am in the morning about to sit up from my bed then I found out that I had a tail right out of nowhere, but I decided to keep it a secret, I bid it right under my clothes, in other words inside my shirt that is quite large to avoid any more suspicions, after that I checked the calendar that's pinned against the wall with the date that is circled towards today with a note saying

"Doctor's appointment"

I jumped out my bed in joy while jumping on top of it as well while saying "Today's the day, today's the day, today's the day" again and again until my dad Toshinori Yagi and my Mom Inko Yagi opened the door and said

"Alright alright now izuku and Izumi, get ready we're about to leave after we all eat breakfast"

That's when my sister woke up

"Yay! We'll hurry up mom and dad!" she exclaims

"Don't forget about me" I said

I then proceeded to go the my cabinet and grab the camera that I use to keep track on my daily life or routine as my mom says

I turn on the camera, fix my hair, prepare the stand for the camera, then set the timer in ten seconds then I went to my position back leaning on the wall

Then it started

" *Clears throat* okay, okay voice check voice check, 1 2 3 check check, alright let's get this started!


I'm Izuku Yagi and I'm 4 years old and today's the day I'm going to the doctor with my family to check out on what quirk do I have as well as my twin sister's "

As if on cue Izumi pops out of nowhere and pushes me aside and proceeds to do her turn on the camera, then she faced the camera then introduced herself

" HI I'm Izumi Yagi, Izuku's twin sister and he's my twin brother, and yes what he said is correct! We are going to the doctor to find out our quirks! Just like always the quirks of our parents are"

I go behind her and tells the quirks they have

" - Power up is what my dad calls it, what it does is it enhances his strength and speed, that's how I observe it, and it seems like his drawback is when he finishes to deactivate and the electricity around his body dissappears he flinches which means after using it if strains his body, in other words he feels a slight sting of pain after it " I finished the first one

" I'm telling you brother dad doesn't have a drawback on his very cool quirk of his" my sister exclaims

"Trust me, I know it, dad may not admit it but he does have a very weak drawback"
I said stating a fact

"You know what just explain mom's quirk is before you confuse our future selves because of your quirk nerdness"

"Fine *whispers* trust me I know how my future me can understand his own mutterings *ends whispering* anywho, alright let's get to it

- And telekinesis is our mom's quirk, based on my how it looks she can lift anything she wishes to carry even maybe a huge building, her drawback looks like the heavier, more, larger, the specific object of person she carries makes her tired, but because of her intense training with dad she exceeded her stamina which has made it improve in a skyrocketing matter "

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