Info Part 2

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Izuku now has unlocked 2 forms out of all of the one present on the Info chapter and these are :


Multiplies strength of the user by every chosen power

He can only handle without any strain onto his body is





Super Saiyan

Grants user 50x strength than his base form

Well I have recieved a couple of requests to join the Harem. But remember, it's eventual though,

Alright here goes


Melissa Shield

(Yes I've given her a quirk, see?)

Quirk :

Analysis - Grants the quirk user to take a very accurate info gathering from the person or thing or animal that she's chosen to analyze

She sees their physical numbers from top to bottom

They can see the blood type of the person or it's conditions like if they have a cough or cold, fever, or any injuries in just a look

She can also analyze the condition around her, she can predict if there will be storms or any different weather conditions and more

Drawback : If overused she can have temporary blindness for at max of 10-15 minutes


Nejire Hado

Quirk :

Wave Motion (波は動どう, Hadō?): Nejire's Quirk grants her the ability to convert her own vitality into energy and release it in the form of exceptionally powerful spiral shockwaves. Since the energy travels in a spiral, it's not very fast. Overusing this Quirk will cause Nejire to suffer from great exhaustion, due to it using her own stamina as a power source.

Nejire can release the shockwaves from her hands as an offensive blast. She can also release the energy from her feet to increase her mobility and allow her to fly.

Drawback : She'll be very exhausted from overuse of her energy

Setsuna Tokage

Quirk :

Lizard Tail Splitter (トカゲのしっぽ切きり, Tokage no Shippokiri?)[4]: Setsuna's Quirk allows her to split up her body into as many as 50 pieces.[3] Each and every one of these split pieces are able to levitate and move freely through the air. Setsuna's pieces can also regenerate if they are destroyed or otherwise unusable.

The regeneration ability of her Quirk is very exhausting for her, which is why she prefers to recall as many of her body parts back as possible in order to conserve her energy.

Her Quirk is extremely versatile and polyvalent since she can use it to spy, attack, track down and distract her opponents, even though it is way more suitable and efficient for tracking and spying rather than attacking and damaging.

Her limbs are nearly untouchable when they are split because of their high mobility and microscopic invulnerability. They are too small and too fast to be easily taken down or catchable.


Well that's pretty much it........................

And to be reminded of those who have questions, they'll be answered throughout the story!

Peace!!!! ✌️

Universal Savior Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora