chapter 2

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Ginny ran a brush through her hair, smoothing it down, trying to ignore the dread setting in her stomach. No one had seen Harry, Ron, or Hermione in a few weeks. now it was the start of the school year, and it was obvious they weren't coming back anytime soon.  Stuffing her clothes into her trunk, she pulled back her hair into a ponytail, and began to lug the chest down the creaky old stairs. The goul in Rons room had been moaning particularly loudly last night, and she was exhausted.

Without Ron, she was the only Weasley who would be leaving for Hogwarts this year. Her Mum and Dad both insisted on accompanying her with side along apparation. Ginny could understand, what with the Ministry being taken over, and everything falling to shit.

They popped in to a small alleyway, unseen by the muggles passing by, and walked out, past a small fish and chips stand, its owner looking very dejected, in front of a large bakery with scents of vanilla, and sugar wafting from it, which, Ginny thought, was a rather depressing situation. Rounding a corner, Kings Cross station came fully into view, packed with people.

She and her parents hastily made their way through the crowds. Ginny glanced at her watch, and nearly tripped over her own feet. It was nearly eleven. Quickly, the family pushed through, and managed to get to the barrier, seperating the muggles from the wizarding world.

Quickly, Ginny glanced around, and, seeing no one paying any realatively close attention, walked through the border.

It was noticeably less packed then the other years Ginny had been at the platform. probably because many muggle borns would have needed to go into hiding, for fear of their lives. Ginny did see Seamus Finnigun looking rather dejected, obviously because Dean Thomas wasn't there. The two were always close, and Ginny had many suspicions about where they had kept sneaking off too last year. There had been many an embarrassing conversations, where one person asked what was happening between them. The two boys had always insisted they were studying, but Ginny wasn't exactly stupid. She would most definately notice when Dean was twenty minutes late for quidditch practices, his tie undone, and hair messed up.

Ginny shook herself from those thoughts, and gave her parents one last tight hug. as she did, her Dad whispered in her ear.

"Now, remember, be careful. Snape is definately not as forgiving as Dumbledore." he said, and Ginny could hear no trace of sarcasm in his voice. Severus Snape was the man who had betrayed them all. Anger stirred in Ginny's belly, and she attempted to stamp it down, not wanting to get in trouble before she even arrived at school. Her Mother pressed a hurried kiss to the side of her face, and said.

"Your fathers right. Be safe. We love you. After Percy........" her mum trailed off. Ginny understood. They had lost Percy too the Ministry.  Ginny awkwardly tried to change the subject

"I know. You guys be careful too. Love you." She untangled herself from their arms, and dragged her trunk towards the train. Waving, she watched, as the train began to set off, her parents growing smaller, until they were nothing but a speck.

Now it was time to find her friends. Strolling down the corridors of the train, she reached a compartment with Neville, Parvati, Lavender, and Seamus. Shoving open the door, Ginny waltzed in, and took a seat beside Neville, who was scrounging under the seats, probably looking for Trevor, his toad.

"Hey Ginny." Seamus said, leaning against the window pane. Lavender and Parvati smiled warmly at her, but were looking a bit nervous. Neville scooted out from under the bench, and bonked his head. 

"Ow! Hi Ginny." Ginny grinned. Same old Neville. 

"Hi guys. how was your summer?" she asked, and imeadiatly regretted it, as Seamus slumped even lower in his seat.

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