Chapter 3

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Ginny glanced around the great hall, as students stood from their seats. It hadn't been a very eventful evening. Snape had droned about making the school great again, and it was all Ginny could do to not curse him into oblivion. Now, finally, dinner was done, and Ginny was anxious to check her DA coin, which she had felt burn in her pocket in the middle of the meal.

Trying to avoid eye contact, she scampered down the hall, and turned down a corridor, coming into a mostly empty hallway, save for a few first year Hufflepuffs, who were looking quite lost. Ginny hurridly pointed them in the right direction, and as they retreated, pulled out her coin.

Squinting at the small letters and numbers, she could just make out the words "2nd floor bathroom, 8 p.m."

She was quite glad her eyesight was good, she thought, hurrying up the staircase towards the second floor. Harry had probably had an awful time trying to make out the minute writing along the edge of the galleon.

Though, he had organized the meetings, she supposed.

Shoving a lock of hair out of her eyes that had escaped from her ponytail, she tried to act as non-suspicious as possible, though it was hard, as she was going the opposite way she was supposed to, to get to the Gryffindor common room. Avoiding prefects, who were leading herds of children up the stairs proved to be difficult, but she at least managed.

When she reached the second floor, she turned down a corner, and stopped with a halt at the girls bathroom. Cracking open the door, she realized she was the first one there. The bathroom was freaking her out, and without meaning too, almost as if she was in a trance, walked toward the sinks. Brushing her fingers under one of the faucet, she glanced down, barely catching a glimpse of a snake inked under it. Memories flashed back to her mind. Well, a lack of memories, per say, of times completely blotted out by Tom Riddle's control. Pulling her fingers back, she shut her eyes, attempting to shake away the thoughts. When that didn't work, she tried to distract herself by checking her watch. Luckily, it was nearly eight, so she wouldn't have to be alone in the bathroom to long. 

Pressing her head into her hands, she took a breath, avoiding thoughts she didn't have the strength to confront, not now, and probably not ever. The bathroom was silent, and Moaning Myrtle was obviously not there, as the toilets were not flooding.

Suddenly, the door squeaked open, and in came Parvati and Lavender, followed by Seamus. Ginny peaked up from her hands, regaining some of her composure, as she waved to her friends.

Lavender glanced nervously back at the door. "D'you guys think he's coming?" She said, leaning up against the sink next to Ginny. 

"I don't know. Where's Neville and Luna?" Parvati responded.

Ginny attempted to ignore the small tap dance her heart preformed on Luna's name, just as said teenagers poked there heads into the bathroom.

"Hi!" Luna said, brightly, her smile probably the reason Ginny's heart repeated the same tap dance, accompanied by a brass band. Which was not at all weird. She was just happy to see her friend, right? Neville came in after, and, thankfully, followed by another blond. 

Draco Malfoy was looking rather disdainful, his nose wrinkled, as he stepped meticulously around the puddles of water still left on the floor from Moaning Myrtle's last tantrum. Ginny was mostly glad he was actually here. He probably wouldn't have had anytime to effectively tell anyone where he would be without showing up late to the meeting, which would be suspicious, and, of course, though Ginny hated to admit it, Malfoy was not stupid. He was definately a spoiled brat, but not dumb.

"Well, better get started, then." Neville said, rounding towards Draco.

"Yeah, Malfoy, why are you even helping us?" Lavender snapped, failing at trying to sound civil.

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