Chapter 4

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Luna's POV

The weak sunlight filtered in through the ravenclaw dormitory curtains, shining into Luna's eyes. She rolled over, and pressed her face into a pillow. She just wanted to sleep. Last nights events had kept her up. She had so many ideas, she just wanted to share them.

How could they manage to keep DA meetings going? It would be a challenge, but Luna had tons of ideas. She couldn't wait until the students could go somewhere private! It would be like old times. Luna missed those meetings, they were always so interesting. And people were semi nice! It was all very fun. Even the nargles stopped taking her stuff for awhile. That had been most beneficial, as she hadn't been able to find her sneakers anywhere.

Maybe this year was weird, what with everything going on, but it was a new year nontheless! Looking on he positive side was her speciality. Most of the time. But now, she couldn't wait. She couldn't wait to do something, to help the cause, to fight for what was right. First day of a new year, under a new headmaster, and a whole lot of other new things, and Luna had a plan. Keep your chin up, and keep walking on. She sank deeper into her blankets, the mantra comforting her. She could do it! She had friends! Like Neville and Seamus and Ginny....

Ginny was the best. She was always kind, even before Dumbledore Army. She was like Luna's bff. Or more. What was the word for more then friends? Was there a word?

Luna tossed and turned, trying in vain to fall back to sleep. Now that the thought of Ginny was in her head, she couldn't get it out. Sighing, Luna sat up in bed, and kicked off her deep blue covers, shivering as the colder dormitory air hit her flannel pajama clad legs.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed, and gazed at the rest of her dormitory mates, who were sleeping peacefully. They would probably be up soon, but right now, they were just a few sleepy teens.

The clock on her night stand informed her that it was nearly seven. Earlier then she normally would've gotten up, but it was fine. Luna ran her fingers through her tangled blond hair, and let out a yawn, stretching her hands towards the ceiling, before she hopped of her bed, knelt down next to her trunk, and began to dig through it, searching for her Hogwarts uniform. Hopefully nothing had taken it like they did last year. Nargles were sneaky. They didn't usually take her stuff at the beginning of the year, but it always happened.

She eventually found the uniform, and went straight to the bathrooms to change. They were empty, as everyone was still asleep, (Or, Luna supposed, pretending to be asleep. That was always a possibility, you never knew with people). Luna relished the quiet. Sometimes being alone with your thoughts was a good thing. It could be lonely, sure, but Luna was used to it. If she had learned anything over her years at Hogwarts, it was that sometimes you had to be your own best friend.

The tile floors were freezing cold against the soles of her feet, but she kept on going. If she went back to bed, she would probably sleep in way to late, and miss class! No one would bother to wake her up.

Luna changed quickly, and then tried to tackle her hair, which was tangled so badly, it looked like a birds nest. She picked up her brush, and, wincing, began to work at the knots. She knew the cause of the tangles, but never knew how to fix it.

The reason: She always tossed and turned, and her dreams were probably the cause of that. Thereby they were tecnically the cause of her hair being all messed up. She never understood her dreams, which was either the fact that they were so strange, that even she couldn't make sense of them, or that Wrackspurts tended to pick her head as a target for muddling up.

She sprayed her hair with some water, which probably would just make it look greasy, but always made Luna feel like she was able to do something. She continued to try to painfully tug the brush through her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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