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{Third person PoV}

'Where do you think your going?' Shoto said pulling Izuku back down. He wrapped his arms around Izuku as tight as he could without him stop breathing. 'Let me go Todoroki! I'm tired.' Izuku said, struggling to get free. 'Well we're gonna be even more exhausted struggling like that now aren't we?' He whispered to the smaller boy. Everyone else had headed off to bed. Most of them were leaving early to go home for the weekend. 'C'mon Izuku... just a bit of fun?' The boy was staring at the smaller green eyed boy. He lowered his head down to Izuku's neck and let out a deep breath. Todoroki's grip had loosened from around the boy, allowing Izuku to jump up and run into the kitchen. He hid under the island in the room, giggling to himself.

'Oh Izu.. where could you be?' He was wondering around the kitchen, tapping his fingers. He crouched down in front of the green haired boy. 'There you are.' Todoroki reached his hand out for Izuku to take. The hiding boy took it and stepped up from the floor. Todoroki pulled him to the seating area and turned on the radio. A slow song began to play and Shoto took Izuku's hips and began dancing. 'T-Todoroki-Kun?' Izuku's face was lightly shaded pink. He went along with the dancing though. 'Izuku, you can call me Shoto.' He stopped dancing a placed his forehead onto the flushed boy in front of him. They share a light kiss and smile at each other. Then out of nowhere *flash*. They look over to see Mina, Tsu, Aoyama and a floating nighty who was Hakagure. 'You two are so cute!' Mina said, covering her mouth. Todoroki had plain eyes and a scowl on his face. 'Y-Yeah we'll go now!' They all scurried back to there rooms. Todoroki was probably the strongest alpha in the class, along with Bakugo of course. 'Tod- I mean Shoto!' Izuku caught himself. 'It's ok Izu, take your time.'

'Anyway Shoto, will you watch Attack on Titan with me..' The smaller boy said holding onto his mates arm. Sho sighed. 'Again Izu? You always end up crying when someone dies.' It was true. The two had watched it before and Izuku cried. 'Well, we could watch Hunter x Hunter?' It had only just gotten dark outside, but it was already 10:18 pm.

{Time skip}

Izuku woke up to find a snoring Shoto underneath him. He didn't remember what happened but he knew he was hungry. Although, he couldn't really move. Shoto had one of his legs wrapped around Izuku's and he had his arms around his waist. He then felt something near his leg, so he has a look. He sees the sleeping boys hand moving across his leg. It felt nice. Bakugo then walked in to the common room and over to where Izuku and Shoto where. 'Hey Deku..' He said through a yawn. 'Most of the others have already left.' He continued on. 'Are you not going to see Mitsuki, Kacchan?' Izuku asked sitting up as much as he could. 'Not for a while. The old hag's out of town for a few months.' The conversation was interrupted but a vibration from Izuku's phone on the table. Bakugo picked it up and answered it. 'Hello Auntie.' He said holding the device to his ear.

{This is the conversation. B-Bakugou and I-Inko}

B- Hello Auntie

I- Oh hello Katsuki. How are you doing?

B- Im fine Auntie. What about you, are you ok?

I- I'm doing well Katsuki. Anyway enough about me. Can you please tell Izuku his heat should start tomorrow? Make sure he doesn't go near anyone please Katsuki.

B- Yeah ok Auntie, I'll tell him.

I- Thank you Katsuki. I have to go now but I'll see you soo ok?

B-Ok bye Auntie.

'Well? What did she say?' Izuku said as the phone call ended. Bakugo put the phone on the table. 'Your heat starts tomorrow. And since I can already start to smell you, it's going to be a longer one.' He said, a look of sympathy on his face. 'If you wake Icy-Hot I'll help you set your room up.'

Izuku patted Shoto on the shoulder. He soon realised that wasn't working so he began to rub his ears. The boy shot up, hands on the top of his hear covering his ears. He was growling at Izuku. 'Don't do that again, you hear me?' He seemed angry, but he soon calmed down. 'Izuku you smell funny.. Are you ok?' He said, sitting up. 'That's why I woke you up Shoto. My heat starts tomorrow and I need help setting up my room.

So the three of them went to Izuku's room to set up. They made his nest over in the corner with blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and he got one of Bakugo and Todoroki's hoodies too. He brought in some food like, goldfish crackers, crisps (chips if your American), a lot of water and a few more things. Normally his friends will leave meals outside his room door. Todoroki lay on one of the nest blankets so it would smell nice and Bakugo had a stuffed bear Deku gave him when he was younger that he placed in the corner. Izuku also had a lot of movies in his room he could watch if he wanted to. And books, and his laptop, phone, and tv too. After the three were done they got ready and Bakugo went to hang out with Kirishima. 'Sho can we go see Himi and Touya before I go into heat?' Izuku asked as they walked out of his room. 'Of course we can, I need to talk to Touya anyway.'

He's mine and I'm his (Tododeku omega au)Where stories live. Discover now